//--------------------------------------------------------------------- // name: wekinator-customize.ck // desc: a more extensive example of working with the Wekinator object, // with many options including per-output-channel configurations. // // achievement trophy to Yikai Li for the adaptation from Wekinator // system and source, and redesigning the API with Ge into Wekinator // chuck object; Yikai generated over 6000 lines of C++ code in this // substantial adaption effort // // lifetime achievement award to Rebecca Fiebrink from making Wekinator, // and showing us a humanistic and playful way forward in an AI-drenched // world... // // version: need chuck version or higher // sorting: part of ChAI (ChucK for AI) // // uncomment for Wekinator API: // Wekinator.help(); // // authors: Yikai Li // Ge Wang (https://ccrma.stanford.edu/~ge/) // Rebecca Fiebrink (original Wekinator framework) // date: Winter 2023 //--------------------------------------------------------------------- // Wekinator instance global Wekinator wek; <<< "---------------", "" >>>; // set number of expect inputs // (if different than exisxting, this will clear all current observations) wek.inputDims(2); <<< "# input channels:", wek.inputDims() >>>; // set number of expect outputs // (if different than exisxting, this will clear all current observations) wek.outputDims(3); <<< "# output channels:", wek.outputDims() >>>; // set the type of task for Wekinator to do // current options: AI.Classification, AI.Regression wek.taskType( AI.Regression ); // print including taskType name <<< "task ID:", wek.taskType(), "==", wek.taskTypeName() >>>; // set regression-related attributes wek.setProperty( AI.Regression, "min", 0 ); wek.setProperty( AI.Regression, "max", 1 ); // how to handle values outside [min,max]? 0 = none, 1 = soft, 2 = hard wek.setProperty( AI.Regression, "limit", false ); // set classification-related attributes wek.setProperty( AI.Classification, "classes", 5 ); // set (global) MLP attributes // NOTE: these will overwrite the corresponding output channel-specific properties wek.setProperty( AI.MLP, "hiddenLayers", 1 ); wek.setProperty( AI.MLP, "nodesPerHiddenLayer", 0 ); // 0 = same as number of inputs wek.setProperty( AI.MLP, "learningRate", 0.01 ); wek.setProperty( AI.MLP, "epochs", 100 ); // set (global) KNN attributes // this is the default unless a more local attribute is set for a given output channel wek.setProperty(AI.KNN, "k", 5); <<< "---------------", "" >>>; // how to get properties; NOTE that each numeric property is associatd with int or float type <<< "regression min:", wek.getPropertyFloat(AI.Regression, "min") >>>; <<< "regression max:", wek.getPropertyFloat(AI.Regression, "max") >>>; <<< "regression limit type:", wek.getPropertyInt(AI.Regression, "limit") >>>; <<< "MLP hiddenLayers:", wek.getPropertyInt(AI.MLP, "hiddenLayers") >>>; <<< "MLP nodesPerHiddenLayer:", wek.getPropertyInt(AI.MLP, "nodesPerHiddenLayer") >>>; <<< "MLP learningRate:", wek.getPropertyFloat(AI.MLP, "learningRate") >>>; <<< "MLP epochs:", wek.getPropertyInt(AI.MLP, "epochs") >>>; <<< "classification # classes:", wek.getPropertyInt(AI.Classification, "classes") >>>; <<< "KNN k:", wek.getPropertyInt(AI.KNN, "k") >>>; <<< "---------------", "" >>>; // set the type of underlying algorithm used // options: AI.Regression: AI.MLP, AI.LR (currently not implemented) // options: AI.Classification: AI.KNN, AI.SVM, AI.DT (current not implemented) wek.modelType(AI.MLP); // print including modelType name <<< "modelType ID:", wek.modelType(), "==", wek.modelTypeName() >>>; // set any output channel-specific attributes, which locally // overrides the global attributes set in wek.setProperty() wek.setOutputProperty(0, "taskType", AI.Regression); // AI.Classification, AI.Regression wek.setOutputProperty(0, "modelType", AI.MLP); // AI.Regression: AI.MLP, AI.LR; AI.Classification: AI.KNN, AI.SVM, AI.DT wek.setOutputProperty(0, AI.Regression, "min", 0); wek.setOutputProperty(0, AI.Regression, "max", 1); wek.setOutputProperty(0, AI.Regression, "limit", false); // true: limit to [min,max]; false: no limit wek.setOutputProperty(0, AI.MLP, "hiddenLayers", 1); wek.setOutputProperty(0, AI.MLP, "nodesPerHiddenLayer", 0); // 0 = same as number of inputs wek.setOutputProperty(0, AI.MLP, "learningRate", 0.01); wek.setOutputProperty(0, AI.MLP, "epochs", 100); wek.setOutputProperty(0, AI.Classification, "classes", 5); wek.setOutputProperty(0, AI.KNN, "k", 5); wek.setOutputProperty(0, "connectedInputs", [0, 1]); // sets which input to incorporate into the model <<< "---------------", "" >>>; // get output channel-specific attributes <<< "taskType | output channel 0:", wek.getOutputPropertyInt(0, "taskType") >>>; <<< "modelType | output channel 0:", wek.getOutputPropertyInt(0, "modelType") >>>; <<< "regression min | output channel 0:", wek.getOutputPropertyFloat(0, AI.Regression, "min") >>>; <<< "regression max | output channel 0:", wek.getOutputPropertyFloat(0, AI.Regression, "max") >>>; <<< "regression limit type | output channel 0:", wek.getOutputPropertyInt(0, AI.Regression, "limit") >>>; <<< "MLP hiddenLayers | output channel 0:", wek.getOutputPropertyInt(0, AI.MLP, "hiddenLayers") >>>; <<< "MLP nodesPerHiddenLayer | output channel 0:", wek.getOutputPropertyInt(0, AI.MLP, "nodesPerHiddenLayer") >>>; <<< "MLP learningRate | output channel 0:", wek.getOutputPropertyFloat(0, AI.MLP, "learningRate") >>>; <<< "MLP epochs | output channel 0:", wek.getOutputPropertyInt(0, AI.MLP, "epochs") >>>; <<< "classification # classes | output channel 0:", wek.getOutputPropertyInt(0, AI.Classification, "classes") >>>; <<< "KNN k | output channel 0:", wek.getOutputPropertyInt(0, AI.KNN, "k") >>>; <<< "---------------", "" >>>; int indices[1]; // get indices of input channels connected to a particular output wek.getOutputProperty(0, "connectedInputs", indices); // print cherr <= "connected inputs | output channel 0: "; for( int i; i < indices.size(); i++ ) cherr <= indices[i] <= " "; cherr <= IO.newline(); // set as the current input wek.input([0.5, 0.5]); // randomize output for each channel between that channels min and max wek.randomizeOutputs(); // set as the current output wek.output([0.5, 0.5, 0.5]); // add an observation from the current input to output wek.add(); // increments the training round number // a round consists of one or more added observations wek.nextRound(); // add an observation explicitly from input and output wek.add([1.0, 1.0], [1.0, 1.0, 1.0]); // add an observation explicitly from input and output, for channel 0 wek.add(0, [2.0, 2.0], [2.0, 2.0, 2.0]); // train on all the observations so far wek.train(); // array to hold predictions float outputs[1]; // predict output given new input wek.predict([3.0, 3.0], outputs); // print output cherr <= "prediction: "; for( int i; i < outputs.size(); i++ ) cherr <= outputs[i] <= ", "; cherr <= IO.newline(); // get the number of observations (globally) <<< "number of observations (total):", wek.numObs() >>>; // get the number of observations for a specific output channel <<< "number of observations for output channel 0:", wek.numObs(0) >>>; <<< "---------------", "" >>>; // array to hold observations // due to a current ChucK language limitation, need to pre-allocate array to obs size float obs[wek.numObs()][0]; // retrieve current observations wek.getObs(obs); // print what we got <<< "ID, time, recording round, Input-0, Input-1, Output-0, Output-1, Output-2", "" >>>; for( 0 => int i; i < obs.size(); i++ ) { for( 0 => int j; j < obs[i].size(); j++ ) { cherr <= obs[i][j] <= ", "; } cherr <= IO.newline(); } // array to hold observations // due to a current ChucK language limitation, need to pre-allocate array to obs size float obs1[wek.numObs(0)][0]; // retrieve current observations for a specific channel wek.getObs(0, obs1); // print what we got <<< "ID, time, recording round, Input-0, Input-1, Output-0, Output-1, Output-2", "" >>>; for( 0 => int i; i < obs1.size(); i++ ) { for( 0 => int j; j < obs1[i].size(); j++ ) { cherr <= obs1[i][j] <= ", "; } cherr <= IO.newline(); } // delete the last round of observations (since the last wek.nextRound()) wek.deleteLastRound(); // clear observations by ID in the given range lo to hi wek.clearObs( 0, 1 ); // clear observations by ID in the given range lo to hi, for a specific channel wek.clearObs( 0, 0, 1 ); // save everything for this Wekinator (observations, model parameters, configurations) wek.save("./tmp.txt"); // load Wekinator state from file wek.load("./tmp.txt"); // export observations only (no model or configurations) wek.exportObs("./tmp.arff"); // export observations only (no model or configurations), for a specific channel wek.exportObs(0, "./tmp0.arff"); // import observations (NOTE: this replaces existing observations, // reset the round number, and will be associated with all output channels) wek.importObs("./tmp.arff"); // clear all observations wek.clearAllObs(); // clear all observations on a given channel wek.clearAllObs(0); <<< "---------------", "" >>>; // set whether Wekinator.add() should be associated with output channels (all) wek.setAllRecordStatus( false ); // set whether Wekinator.add() should be associated with a specific output channel wek.setOutputRecordStatus( 0, true ); // print <<< "record status | output channel 0:", wek.getOutputRecordStatus( 0 ) >>>; // setting this to false will "mask" out all output channels; will predict 0s wek.setAllRunStatus( false ); // <<< wek.getAllRunStatus() >>>; // setting this to false will "mask" out a specific output channels // that particular output channel will predict 0s wek.setOutputRunStatus(0, true); <<< "run status | output channel 0:", wek.getOutputRunStatus(0) >>>; // clear all observations, round number, model (parameters and local properties) // NOTE: the global properties will remain unchanged wek.clear(); <<< "---------------", "" >>>;