//-------------------------------------------------------------------- // name: shepard.ck // desc: continuous shepard-risset tone generator; // ascending but can easily made to descend // // author: Ge Wang (https://ccrma.stanford.edu/~ge/) // date: spring 2016 //-------------------------------------------------------------------- // mean for normal intensity curve 66 => float MU; // standard deviation for normal intensity curve 42 => float SIGMA; // normalize to 1.0 at x==MU 1 / Math.gauss(MU, MU, SIGMA) => float SCALE; // increment per unit time (use negative for descending) .004 => float INC; // unit time (change interval) 1::ms => dur T; // starting pitches (in MIDI note numbers, octaves apart) [ 12.0, 24, 36, 48, 60, 72, 84, 96, 108 ] @=> float pitches[]; // number of tones pitches.size() => int N; // bank of tones TriOsc tones[N]; // overall gain Gain gain => dac; 1.0/N => gain.gain; // connect to dac for( int i; i < N; i++ ) { tones[i] => gain; } // infinite time loop while( true ) { for( int i; i < N; i++ ) { // set frequency from pitch pitches[i] => Std.mtof => tones[i].freq; // compute loundess for each tone Math.gauss( pitches[i], MU, SIGMA ) * SCALE => float intensity; // map intensity to amplitude intensity*96 => Math.dbtorms => tones[i].gain; // increment pitch INC +=> pitches[i]; // wrap (for positive INC) if( pitches[i] > 120 ) 108 -=> pitches[i]; // wrap (for negative INC) else if( pitches[i] < 12 ) 108 +=> pitches[i]; } // advance time T => now; }