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Plans for 220a in Fall, 2021
Plans for 220a in Fall, 2021
new picture for course site
Manage and record the course Zoom sessions and add Zoom URL to Canvas on Monday.
Nick's idea: whales & computer musicians
* ???
organizer for guest lecturers
Organizer for student music presentations
Drew Allen, Hongchan Choi
(establish signup wiki and introduce presenting student before each class)
apply for artsCatalyst
* Nick [https://ccrma.stanford.edu/wiki/220a-music_presentations]
whale trip organizers (7-Oct)
Organizer for CCRMA accounts, up-to-date class roster, CCRMA email listserv, edit HW factory
Nick, Nette
* Barbara
apply for artsCatalyst
organizer for artsCatalyst grant, Due 9/21
Regular TA office hours in-person and / or online, including initial tutorials
* TA's
organizer for hydrophone building before whale trip
Research alternative controller for Homework 5
?? w/ Victoria Shen in MaxLab
* Clara, Barbara
organizer for student music
(establish signup wiki and introduce presenters at each meeting)
provide homework feedback
Whale trip organizers (7-Oct)  
(after assignments are due, and keep a record for end of quarter evals)
* Nick, Nette
regular TA office hours
Organizer for student hydrophone building lab before whale trip w/ Victoria Shen in MaxLab
in-person: ??
* Nick
online: ??
field recording session (move Radio Play assignment so this happens first)
Provide homework feedback
(after assignments are due and keep a record for end of quarter evals)
* TA's
organizer for CCRMA accounts, class roster, email list
Check out  https://faders.io -- useful?
* ???
homework factory from roster
Organizer for student microphone building lab in MaxLab after whale trip
* Barbara, Nick
research alternative controller for Homework 5
Field recording lab (moved Radio Play assignment so this happens first)
Clara, Engin
* Nick
organizer for initial tutorials
Create homework factory from roster
canvas .pdf syllabus, dates, zoom link
* Chris [first v. done]
Need new picture for course site
* whales [done]
Organizer for guest lecturers: Drew Allen, Hongchan Choi
* Nick to be contact [dates in sched are confirmed]
Apply for artsCatalyst grant to fund guests and whale trip, Due 9/21
* Chris [submitted, 16-Sep]
Edit canvas site with .pdf of syllabus, dates, course site link
* Chris [done] -- needs zoom still

Latest revision as of 10:05, 21 September 2021

Plans for 220a in Fall, 2021

Manage and record the course Zoom sessions and add Zoom URL to Canvas on Monday.

  •  ???

Organizer for student music presentations (establish signup wiki and introduce presenting student before each class)

Organizer for CCRMA accounts, up-to-date class roster, CCRMA email listserv, edit HW factory

  • Barbara

Regular TA office hours in-person and / or online, including initial tutorials

  • TA's

Research alternative controller for Homework 5

  • Clara, Barbara

Whale trip organizers (7-Oct)

  • Nick, Nette

Organizer for student hydrophone building lab before whale trip w/ Victoria Shen in MaxLab

  • Nick

Provide homework feedback (after assignments are due and keep a record for end of quarter evals)

  • TA's

Check out https://faders.io -- useful?

  •  ???

Organizer for student microphone building lab in MaxLab after whale trip

  • Barbara, Nick

Field recording lab (moved Radio Play assignment so this happens first)

  • Nick

Create homework factory from roster

  • Chris [first v. done]

Need new picture for course site

  • whales [done]

Organizer for guest lecturers: Drew Allen, Hongchan Choi

  • Nick to be contact [dates in sched are confirmed]

Apply for artsCatalyst grant to fund guests and whale trip, Due 9/21

  • Chris [submitted, 16-Sep]

Edit canvas site with .pdf of syllabus, dates, course site link

  • Chris [done] -- needs zoom still