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Page for Live Coding Examples from Luke's 12/21/2009 live-coding session
Members of Slork are exploring group live coding, and this page documents our experiments.
= Examples from Slork rehearsal 1/21/2009 =
''if you're bored...''
== Luke's squares1: ==
:*Signal Flow: This code uses a square wave modulating a square wave, with a feedback delay added on to the end.
:*How to play it: Modify the parameters...
:*Possible piece structure: start simple, get crazy ''(will add a better plan -LD)''
Code Monkey by Jonathan Coulton<br/>
// squares1.ck 
// luke dahl, 1/21/09
// -----------------------------------------------
// bring tha noise
// -----------------------------------------------
SqrOsc mosc => SqrOsc cosc => ADSR env => dac => Delay del => LPF flt => dac;
3::second => del.max;
2 => cosc.sync;
// pitch:
Std.mtof(Std.rand2(20, 30)) => cosc.freq; 
// pitch variation: 
Std.rand2f(5, 20) => mosc.gain;             
// speed of pitch variation:             
1 => mosc.freq;                             
// delay feedback (be careful here!):
0.0 => del.gain;
// length of delay:
100::ms => del.delay;
// delay filter stuff:
Std.rand2f(500, 2000) => flt.freq;
Std.rand2f(0.5, 1.0) => flt.Q;
// -----------------------------------------------
// make time
// -----------------------------------------------
3.1::second => dur d;                        // how long it lasts
0.8 => float decay_frac;                    // what fraction is decay
env.set( d*0.3, d*0.01, .5, d*decay_frac );  // attack, decay, sustain, release
d*(1-decay_frac) => now;
d*decay_frac + 2::second => now;
Code Monkey get up, get coffee<br/>
== David ==
Code Monkey go to job<br/>
Code Monkey have boring meeting<br/>
Boring manager Rob<br/>
Rob say Code Monkey very diligent<br/>
But his output stink<br/>
His Code not functional or elegant<br/>
What do Code Monkey think?<br/>
Code Monkey think,<br/>
Maybe manager wanna write<br/>
Goddamn log-in page himself<br/>
Code Monkey not say it out loud<br/>
Code Monkey not crazy, just proud<br/>
Code Monkey like Fritos<br/>
Code Monkey like Tab and Mountain Dew<br/>
Code Monkey very simple man<br/>
Big, warm, fuzzy, secret heart<br/>
Code Monkey like you<br/>
Code Monkey like yooooouuuuu<br/>
Code Monkey hang around at front desk<br/>
Tell you sweater look nice<br/>
Code Monkey offer buy you soda<br/>
Bring you cup, bring you ice<br/>
You say no thank-you for the soda 'cause<br/>
Soda make you fat<br/>
Anyway, you busy with the telephone<br/>
No time for chat<br/>
Code Monkey have long walk back to cubicle<br/>
He sit down, pretend to work<br/>
Code Monkey not thinking so straight,<br/>
Code Monkey not feeling so great.<br/>
Code Monkey have every reason<br/>
To get out this place<br/>
Code Monkey just keep on working<br/>
See your soft pretty face<br/>
Much rather wake up, eat a coffee cake<br/>
Take bath, take nap<br/>
This job fulfilling and creative way<br/>
Such a load of crap<br/>
Code Monkey say someday he have everything<br/>
Even pretty girl, like you<br/>
Code Monkey just waiting, for now<br/>
Code Monkey say someday, somehow<br/>
= Luke's Live Code: =
// LC1: squares
// -----------------------------------------------
// bring tha noise
// -----------------------------------------------
SqrOsc mosc => SqrOsc cosc => ADSR env => dac => Delay del => LPF flt => dac;
3::second => del.max;
2 => cosc.sync;
// some basic parms:
// pitch:
Std.mtof(Std.rand2(20, 30)) => cosc.freq; 
// pitch variation: 
Std.rand2f(5, 20) => mosc.gain;             
// speed of pitch variation:             
1 => mosc.freq;                             
// delay feedback (be careful here!):
0.7 => del.gain;
// length of delay:
100::ms => del.delay;
// delay filter stuff:
Std.rand2f(500, 2000) => flt.freq;
Std.rand2f(0.5, 1.0) => flt.Q;
// -----------------------------------------------
// make time
// -----------------------------------------------
3.1::second => dur d;                        // how long it lasts
0.8 => float decay_frac;                    // what fraction is decay
env.set( d*0.3, d*0.01, .5, d*decay_frac );  // attack, decay, sustain, release
d*(1-decay_frac) => now;
d*decay_frac + 2::second => now;
= David ===================================
/*  Live Coding Test 1
/*  Live Coding Test 1
     Have the user invoke different functions. */
     Have the user invoke different functions. */
Line 166: Line 113:
= end David code ===================================
= Visda's Live code ===================================
== Visda's Live code ==
// modulations
// modulations
SqrOsc mod => SinOsc car => Gain mult;
SqrOsc mod => SinOsc car => Gain mult;
Line 217: Line 164:
     e.duration() => now;
     e.duration() => now;
= second part of Visda's code ===================================
=== second part of Visda's code ===
SinOsc s => JCRev r => dac;
SinOsc s => JCRev r => dac;
.3 => s.gain;
.3 => s.gain;
Line 238: Line 185:
= end Visda's code ===================================
= Mike Gao's Code ===================================
== Mike Gao's Code ==
SinOsc a => SinOsc b => Gain g => g => dac;
SinOsc a => SinOsc b => Gain g => dac;
0 => int device;
0 => int device;
Hid hi;
Hid hi;
Line 288: Line 235:
= End Mike's Code=====================================
== Craig's Code ==
=== Begin Craig's code MAUI Interface ===
MAUI_View control_view;
control_view.size( 400, 325 );
MAUI_Slider numSamps;
"Number of Samples" => numSamps.name;
numSamps.irange( 1,1000);
numSamps.position( 0, 0 );
control_view.addElement( numSamps );
MAUI_Slider revMix;
"Reverb Mix" => revMix.name;
revMix.irange( 0,500);
revMix.position( 0, numSamps.height() + numSamps.y() );
control_view.addElement( revMix );
SinOsc s => PRCRev r => Phasor p => dac;
    s.last() + s.phase()=>s.phase =>p.phase;
=== Begin Craig's FM code ===
fun void FM(float cf, float mf, float index)
    SinOsc s => Gain g => OnePole p => blackhole;
    SinOsc m => dac;
    // square the input
    s => g => dac;
    // multiply
    3 => g.op;
    mf => m.freq;
    // set pole position
    0.99 => p.pole;
    // loop on
    while( true )
        cf + (index * m.last()) => s.freq;
        20::ms => now;
=== Begin Craig's Key code ===
// HID
Hid hi;
HidMsg msg;
// which keyboard
0 => int device;
// get from command line
if( me.args() ) me.arg(0) => Std.atoi => device;
// open keyboard (get device number from command line)
if( !hi.openKeyboard( device ) ) me.exit();
<<< "keyboard '" + hi.name() + "' ready", "" >>>;
// patch
VoicForm organ => JCRev r => Echo e => Echo e2 => dac;
r => dac;
// set delays
240::ms => e.max => e.delay;
480::ms => e2.max => e2.delay;
// set gains
.6 => e.gain;
.3 => e2.gain;
.05 => r.mix;
0 => organ.gain;
// infinite event loop
while( true )
    // wait for event
    hi => now;
    // get message
    while( hi.recv( msg ) )
        // check
        if( msg.isButtonDown() )
            Std.mtof( msg.which + 45 ) => float freq;
            if( freq > 20000 ) continue;
            freq => organ.freq;
            .5 => organ.gain;
            1 => organ.noteOn;
            80::ms => now;
            0 => organ.noteOff;
== Jieun's code ==
go to http://ccrma.stanford.edu/~jieun5/128/ and download hungryWolf.zip
IMPORTANT: modify the sound file paths in hungryWolf.ck. by changing "jieun" to "slork"
I wouldn't really call this live-coding, but this was the best place to put it. :)
== a poem apropos of? ==
''if you're bored...''
Code Monkey by Jonathan Coulton<br/>
Code Monkey get up, get coffee<br/>
Code Monkey go to job<br/>
Code Monkey have boring meeting<br/>
Boring manager Rob<br/>
Rob say Code Monkey very diligent<br/>
But his output stink<br/>
His Code not functional or elegant<br/>
What do Code Monkey think?<br/>
Code Monkey think,<br/>
Maybe manager wanna write<br/>
Goddamn log-in page himself<br/>
Code Monkey not say it out loud<br/>
Code Monkey not crazy, just proud<br/>
Code Monkey like Fritos<br/>
Code Monkey like Tab and Mountain Dew<br/>
Code Monkey very simple man<br/>
Big, warm, fuzzy, secret heart<br/>
Code Monkey like you<br/>
Code Monkey like yooooouuuuu<br/>
Code Monkey hang around at front desk<br/>
Tell you sweater look nice<br/>
Code Monkey offer buy you soda<br/>
Bring you cup, bring you ice<br/>
You say no thank-you for the soda 'cause<br/>
Soda make you fat<br/>
Anyway, you busy with the telephone<br/>
No time for chat<br/>
Code Monkey have long walk back to cubicle<br/>
He sit down, pretend to work<br/>
Code Monkey not thinking so straight,<br/>
Code Monkey not feeling so great.<br/>
Code Monkey have every reason<br/>
To get out this place<br/>
Code Monkey just keep on working<br/>
See your soft pretty face<br/>
Much rather wake up, eat a coffee cake<br/>
Take bath, take nap<br/>
This job fulfilling and creative way<br/>
Such a load of crap<br/>
Code Monkey say someday he have everything<br/>
Even pretty girl, like you<br/>
Code Monkey just waiting, for now<br/>
Code Monkey say someday, somehow<br/>

Latest revision as of 18:21, 28 January 2009

Members of Slork are exploring group live coding, and this page documents our experiments.

Examples from Slork rehearsal 1/21/2009

Luke's squares1:


  • Signal Flow: This code uses a square wave modulating a square wave, with a feedback delay added on to the end.
  • How to play it: Modify the parameters...
  • Possible piece structure: start simple, get crazy (will add a better plan -LD)
// squares1.ck   
// luke dahl, 1/21/09

// -----------------------------------------------
// bring tha noise 
// -----------------------------------------------

SqrOsc mosc => SqrOsc cosc => ADSR env => dac => Delay del => LPF flt => dac;
3::second => del.max;
2 => cosc.sync;

// pitch:
Std.mtof(Std.rand2(20, 30)) => cosc.freq;  

// pitch variation:  
Std.rand2f(5, 20) => mosc.gain;              

// speed of pitch variation:               
1 => mosc.freq;                              

// delay feedback (be careful here!):
0.0 => del.gain;

// length of delay:
100::ms => del.delay;

// delay filter stuff:
Std.rand2f(500, 2000) => flt.freq;
Std.rand2f(0.5, 1.0) => flt.Q;

// -----------------------------------------------
// make time 
// -----------------------------------------------

3.1::second => dur d;                        // how long it lasts
0.8 => float decay_frac;                     // what fraction is decay
env.set( d*0.3, d*0.01, .5, d*decay_frac );  // attack, decay, sustain, release
d*(1-decay_frac) => now;
d*decay_frac + 2::second => now;


/* Live Coding Test 1

   Have the user invoke different functions. */

Phasor s => Gain g => dac; 5000 => s.sfreq; 0 => s.sync; 0.5 => g.gain;

440.00 => float A; 466.16 => float Bb; 493.88 => float B; 523.25 => float C; 554.37 => float Db; 587.33 => float D; 622.25 => float Eb; 659.26 => float E; 698.46 => float F; 739.99 => float Gb; 783.99 => float G; 830.61 => float Ab;

fun void code1() {

   B => s.freq;
   0.5::second => now;
   E => s.freq;
   0.5::second => now;


fun void code2() {

   G => s.freq;
   0.25::second => now;
   E => s.freq;
   0.25::second => now;
   D => s.freq;
   0.25::second => now;


fun void code3() {

   A => s.freq;
   0.125::second => now;
   B => s.freq;
   0.125::second => now;


fun void code4() {

   Gb => s.freq;
   0.5::second => now;



   Any sequence of the following:
  • /

while(true) {



Visda's Live code

// modulations SqrOsc mod => SinOsc car => Gain mult; // modulate the modulations Modulate vibe => mult => Envelope e => dac; // multiply 3 => mult.op; // sync 2 => car.sync; // envelope 5::second => e.duration;

//modulate between the three arrays

// an array //[ 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9,10 ] @=> int arri[];

// an array of melodic minor //[0,2,3,1,4,2,6,3,4,4] @=> int arri[]; //sequence data

// an array of major //[0,2,4,5,7,9,11,12] @=> int arri[]; //major scale

// vibrato 5 => vibe.gain; .1 => vibe.randomGain; .02 => vibe.vibratoRate;

while (true){

// modulator & carrier

Std.mtof( 300 + Std.rand2(0,10)* 50 + arri[Std.rand2(0, arri.cap()-3)]) => mod.freq; 5::ms => now;

// modulate it between mod 500 - car 100 for earth // or mod 100 - car 200 for space

4 => mod.gain; 100 => car.freq; 2 => car.gain;

   // go for it
   e.duration() => now;
   e.duration() => now;


second part of Visda's code

SinOsc s => JCRev r => dac; .3 => s.gain; .1 => r.mix;

// an array [ 5, 1, 5, 1, 5, 1, 5, 1, 5,1] @=> int arri[];

while (true) {

   Std.mtof( 300 + Std.rand2f(0,10)* 50 + arri[Std.rand2(0, arri.cap()-3)]) => s.freq;
   52::ms => now;
   Std.mtof( 333 + Std.rand2(1,10) * 200 + Math.sin(arri[Std.rand2(0, arri.cap()-1)])) => s.freq;
   120::ms => now;
   Std.mtof( 700 + Std.rand2f(0,9)* 50 + arri[Std.rand2(0, arri.cap()-6)]) => s.freq;
   3::ms => now;


Mike Gao's Code

//MOVE DA MOUSE ON BEAT SOMETIMES SinOsc a => SinOsc b => Gain g => dac; 0 => int device; Hid hi; HidMsg msg; if( !hi.openMouse( device ) ) me.exit(); <<< "mouse '" + hi.name() + "' ready...", "" >>>; spork ~ mouser(); 220 => a.freq;

// TRY MULTIPLES OR FRACTIONS OF 100 100=>int duration;

for (;;) {

   Math.fabs(Math.tan(now/samp))*200 => b.freq;
   (now/ms)$int %3=>b.sync;


fun void mouser() {

   for (;;) {
   while (hi.recv(msg))
       if (msg.isMouseMotion())
           msg.deltaX * 100=>b.freq;
           msg.deltaY * 300=>a.freq;
           //(Math.fabs(msg.deltaX*100)+2) $ int => duration;
       if (msg.isButtonDown())


Craig's Code

Begin Craig's code MAUI Interface

MAUI_View control_view; control_view.size( 400, 325 );

MAUI_Slider numSamps; "Number of Samples" => numSamps.name; numSamps.irange( 1,1000); numSamps.position( 0, 0 ); control_view.addElement( numSamps );

MAUI_Slider revMix; "Reverb Mix" => revMix.name; revMix.irange( 0,500); revMix.value(0); revMix.position( 0, numSamps.height() + numSamps.y() ); control_view.addElement( revMix );


SinOsc s => PRCRev r => Phasor p => dac; p.gain(1.5); while(numSamps.value()::samp=>now)

   s.last() + s.phase()=>s.phase =>p.phase;

Begin Craig's FM code

fun void FM(float cf, float mf, float index) {

   SinOsc s => Gain g => OnePole p => blackhole;
   SinOsc m => dac;
   // square the input
   s => g => dac;
   // multiply
   3 => g.op;
   mf => m.freq;
   // set pole position
   0.99 => p.pole;
   // loop on
   while( true )
       cf + (index * m.last()) => s.freq;
       20::ms => now;



Begin Craig's Key code

// HID Hid hi; HidMsg msg;

// which keyboard 0 => int device; // get from command line if( me.args() ) me.arg(0) => Std.atoi => device;

// open keyboard (get device number from command line) if( !hi.openKeyboard( device ) ) me.exit(); <<< "keyboard '" + hi.name() + "' ready", "" >>>;

// patch VoicForm organ => JCRev r => Echo e => Echo e2 => dac; r => dac;

// set delays 240::ms => e.max => e.delay; 480::ms => e2.max => e2.delay; // set gains .6 => e.gain; .3 => e2.gain; .05 => r.mix; 0 => organ.gain;

// infinite event loop while( true ) {

   // wait for event
   hi => now;
   // get message
   while( hi.recv( msg ) )
       // check
       if( msg.isButtonDown() )
           Std.mtof( msg.which + 45 ) => float freq;
           if( freq > 20000 ) continue;
           freq => organ.freq;
           .5 => organ.gain;
           1 => organ.noteOn;
           80::ms => now;
           0 => organ.noteOff;


Jieun's code

go to http://ccrma.stanford.edu/~jieun5/128/ and download hungryWolf.zip

IMPORTANT: modify the sound file paths in hungryWolf.ck. by changing "jieun" to "slork"

I wouldn't really call this live-coding, but this was the best place to put it. :)

a poem apropos of?

if you're bored...


Code Monkey by Jonathan Coulton

Code Monkey get up, get coffee
Code Monkey go to job
Code Monkey have boring meeting
Boring manager Rob
Rob say Code Monkey very diligent
But his output stink
His Code not functional or elegant
What do Code Monkey think?
Code Monkey think,
Maybe manager wanna write
Goddamn log-in page himself
Code Monkey not say it out loud
Code Monkey not crazy, just proud

Code Monkey like Fritos
Code Monkey like Tab and Mountain Dew
Code Monkey very simple man
Big, warm, fuzzy, secret heart
Code Monkey like you
Code Monkey like yooooouuuuu

Code Monkey hang around at front desk
Tell you sweater look nice
Code Monkey offer buy you soda
Bring you cup, bring you ice
You say no thank-you for the soda 'cause
Soda make you fat
Anyway, you busy with the telephone
No time for chat
Code Monkey have long walk back to cubicle
He sit down, pretend to work
Code Monkey not thinking so straight,
Code Monkey not feeling so great.

Code Monkey have every reason
To get out this place
Code Monkey just keep on working
See your soft pretty face
Much rather wake up, eat a coffee cake
Take bath, take nap
This job fulfilling and creative way
Such a load of crap
Code Monkey say someday he have everything
Even pretty girl, like you
Code Monkey just waiting, for now
Code Monkey say someday, somehow