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= Information =
= Information =

* [https://ccrma.stanford.edu/docs/common/COVID-19.html CCRMA COVID-19 Info Page]
* [https://ccrma.stanford.edu/docs/common/COVID-19.html CCRMA COVID-19 Info Page] (Maintained by Matt)

* [https://covid19.ca.gov California COVID-19 Response]
* [https://covid19.ca.gov California COVID-19 Response]
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* [https://ccrma.stanford.edu/docs/common/JackTrip.html jacktrip] — high quality, low latency audio over networks
* [https://ccrma.stanford.edu/docs/common/JackTrip.html jacktrip] — high quality, low latency audio over networks

* [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=50NoWIiYECA Zoom in "Music Mode" by RAMA Vocal Center]
* [https://docs.google.com/document/d/13fYFK-_qaeVnIGdobLWmtGJfZLutB5181ZTxN9dmD2Y/edit?usp=sharing Resources for Teaching Music and Audio Production Online]
* [https://docs.google.com/document/d/1Jqo0viKeqDw-lfTFZUywKIVu3DaLwprECKr2NoP8nzY/edit?usp=sharing Affordable Software for Producers and Musicians]
* Wirecutter's recommendations for [https://thewirecutter.com/reviews/the-best-usb-microphone the best USB microphone]
== Optimizing Zoom ==
* Stanford UIT [https://uit.stanford.edu/service/zoom/zoomupdates Zoom Software Updates] tracking what's in which version when.
* [https://switchboardta.org/blog/resource-round-up-multilingual-tutorials-on-zoom-and-other-online-platforms Multilingual Tutorials on Zoom and Other Online Platforms]
* Beginners' [https://blink.ucsd.edu/technology/file-sharing/zoom/guide/navigation.html guide to navigating Zoom's meeting window]
* Basics of [https://support.zoom.us/hc/en-us/articles/201362643-Sharing-Computer-Sound-During-Screen-Sharing sharing computer sound]
* [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=50NoWIiYECA Zoom in "Music Mode" by RAMA Vocal Center] featuring Zoom's Original Sound option.

* [https://bulletproofmusician.com/optimizing-audio/ "Optimizing Audio for Online Music Lessons"] (using [https://cleanfeed.net cleanfeed] in Chrome)
* [https://bulletproofmusician.com/optimizing-audio/ "Optimizing Audio for Online Music Lessons"] (using [https://cleanfeed.net cleanfeed] in Chrome)

* [https://keepteaching.usc.edu/tools/zoombombing-resources/ USC resources to avoid "Zoom bombing"] (trolls joining meetings and screen sharing bad stuff)
* [https://uit.stanford.edu/service/zoom/meetingsecurityguide How to protect your meetings] e.g., from "zoombombing" (trolls joining meetings and screen sharing bad stuff).  Also USC has [https://keepteaching.usc.edu/tools/zoombombing-resources/ resources] on this.
* Stanford's [https://teachanywhere.stanford.edu/zoom-course-support Use Zoom to support your course] instructions; perhaps you want to use [https://docs.google.com/document/d/1XBOpJPPl4f-8xi4cDzOanvUlSO9MHkIjvcbILWXOS5w/edit The Stanford way of using Zoom with Canvas]
* [https://medium.com/@ezra_69528/mac-how-to-output-midi-to-zoom-conference-with-logic-pro-x-28aaec683132 How to "share audio" from Logic Pro over Zoom] via [https://rogueamoeba.com/freebies/soundflower/ SoundFlower] and [https://www.macupdate.com/app/mac/27022/ladiocast Ladiocast]
* Videos on [https://uit.stanford.edu/news/zoom-effectively-discover-ways-lead-inclusive-meetings-and-participate-productively Zoom Effectively: Discover Ways to Lead Inclusive Meetings and Participate Productively]
* [https://support.zoom.us/hc/en-us/articles/214629443-Zoom-Web-Client Zoom Web Client]  (for people who want to attend meetings from a browser without downloading and installing the Zoom app: "Note that the meeting experience from the browser is limited")
*[https://stanfordmag.org/contents/11-tips-for-more-effective-zoom-remote-meetings/?utm_source=e-alert&utm_medium=email&utm_content=11-tips-for-more-effective-zoom-remote-meetings 11 Tips for More Effective, Less Annoying Remote Meetings]

* [https://docs.google.com/document/d/13fYFK-_qaeVnIGdobLWmtGJfZLutB5181ZTxN9dmD2Y/edit?usp=sharing Resources for Teaching Music and Audio Production Online]
* How to stream from Zoom to [https://support.zoom.us/hc/en-us/articles/360028478292-Streaming-a-Meeting-or-Webinar-on-YouTube-Live YouTube live] or [https://support.zoom.us/hc/en-us/articles/115000350406-Streaming-a-Meeting-or-Webinar-on-Facebook-Live Facebook live]
== Zoom Doom and Gloom ==
* 6/17/20 [https://www.wired.com/story/zoom-end-to-end-encryption-for-everyone/ Zoom Reverses Course and Promises End-to-End Encryption for All Users]  (but see below about Zoom's redefinition of the term "end to end encryption")
* Stanford ASSU People's Caucus [https://www.stanforddaily.com/2020/05/18/assu-candidates-rally-zoom-bombed-with-anti-black-anti-semitic-sentiments/ town hall zoom bombed with racist messages] 5/16/20
* 4/29/20 [https://uit.stanford.edu/news/changes-stanford-zoom-address-security-concerns Changes to Stanford Zoom Address Security Concerns] including avoiding "Zoom data centers in mainland China and Hong Kong."
* Stanford undergrad senate [https://docs.google.com/document/d/1zWBjBq9ck34Ipguq9utt6ROyczf0NV4Fz0Gs1Nbxdcs/edit Resolution to Protect Stanford Student Privacy in an Era of Online Learning] introduced 4/28/20.
* Stanford Daily opinion [https://www.stanforddaily.com/2020/04/22/stanford-should-be-cautious-when-using-zoom/ Stanford should be cautious when using Zoom].
* 4/1/20 Zoom announces a [https://blog.zoom.us/wordpress/2020/04/01/a-message-to-our-users/ feature freeze] as they redeploy their entire development team to dealing with security and privacy issues.
* [https://www.fbi.gov/contact-us/field-offices/boston/news/press-releases/fbi-warns-of-teleconferencing-and-online-classroom-hijacking-during-covid-19-pandemic FBI warning] about Zoombombing
* [https://www.inputmag.com/tech/your-private-zoom-messages-arent-so-private-after-all Private chats can still appear in the transcript of a meeting if it was recorded]
* TechCrunch: [https://techcrunch.com/2020/03/31/zoom-at-your-own-risk/ Maybe we shouldn't use Zoom after all]
* The Intercept: [https://theintercept.com/2020/03/31/zoom-meeting-encryption/ Zoom Meetings Aren't End-To-End Encrypted, Despite Misleading Marketing]
* Electronic Frontier Foundation: [https://www.eff.org/deeplinks/2020/03/what-you-should-know-about-online-tools-during-covid-19-crisis What You Should Know About Online Tools During the COVID-19 Crisis] (also addressing Slack and other technologies)
* Zoom's creepy [https://support.zoom.us/hc/en-us/articles/115000538083-Attendee-attention-tracking Attendee attention tracking] feature
* CBS: [https://www.cbsnews.com/news/zoom-app-personal-data-selling-facebook-lawsuit-alleges/ Zoom sued for allegedly sharing users' personal data with Facebook] (March 30, 2020)

* [https://docs.google.com/document/d/1Jqo0viKeqDw-lfTFZUywKIVu3DaLwprECKr2NoP8nzY/edit?usp=sharing Affordable Software for Producers and Musicians]
* [https://medium.com/bugbountywriteup/zoom-zero-day-4-million-webcams-maybe-an-rce-just-get-them-to-visit-your-website-ac75c83f4ef5 Security vulnerability of Zoom MacOS from July 2019] where they secretly installed a webserver that allowed malicious websites to enable your camera without your permission (which they fixed shortly thereafter).

= TAing =
= TAing =
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= Virtual Classroom Tips =
= Virtual Classroom Tips =
* [https://stanford.zoom.us Zoom] (of course)
* [https://stanford.zoom.us Zoom] (of course)
* [https://www.airserver.com AirServer] for screen-mirroring from tablet to desktop:
* [https://www.airserver.com AirServer] for screen-mirroring from tablet and/or smart-phone to desktop over wifi:
** [https://www.airserver.com/Mac Mac]
** [https://www.airserver.com/Mac Mac]
** [https://www.airserver.com/WindowsDesktop Windows]
** [https://www.airserver.com/WindowsDesktop Windows]
* [https://products.office.com/en-us/onenote/digital-note-taking-app?rtc=1 OneNote] for virtual whiteboard
* [https://products.office.com/en-us/onenote/digital-note-taking-app?rtc=1 OneNote] for virtual whiteboard
* [http://info.iet.unipi.it/~luigi/document-camera/ Poor Man’s Document Camera for Videoconferencing]
* [http://info.iet.unipi.it/~luigi/document-camera/ Poor Man’s Document Camera for Videoconferencing (smart-phone on stand)]
* [https://apps.apple.com/us/app/turboscan-document-scanner/id1017559099 TurboScan] for converting physical documents to PDF and mailing to self for online display:
* [https://www.goodreader.com GoodReader] for displaying / annotating/ drawing on PDFs on projected tablet
* [https://www.goodreader.com GoodReader] for displaying / annotating/ drawing on PDFs on projected tablet
* [https://piazza.com Piazza] for class announcements and more
* [https://piazza.com Piazza] for class announcements and more
* [https://gocanvas.stanford.edu/gate/ Canvas] for managing assignments and exams (which can be online)
* [https://gocanvas.stanford.edu/gate/ Canvas] for managing assignments and exams (which can be online)
* [https://medium.com/@ezra_69528/mac-how-to-output-midi-to-zoom-conference-with-logic-pro-x-28aaec683132 How to "share audio" from Logic Pro over Zoom] via [https://rogueamoeba.com/freebies/soundflower/ SoundFlower] and [https://www.macupdate.com/app/mac/27022/ladiocast Ladiocast]
* [https://teachanywhere.stanford.edu TeachAnywhere] guide for transitioning to online teaching at Stanford

= Health and Well Being =
= Health and Well Being =
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* (Errand sharing sheet created by Michiko Theurer - see email)
* (Errand sharing sheet created by Michiko Theurer - see email)

* [https://artful.design/tv Artful Design TV (COVID-19 Edition) — a weekly Zoom series]
* Ge is hosting [https://artful.design/tv Artful Design TV (COVID-19 Edition) — a weekly Zoom series]

* [https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/u/1/d/13nhPQ9uC9qwHnkCkezP3MI-xRkGTqsfbqDp3hwgFt9c/edit?fbclid=IwAR0M82q_k62RQ_FBYFIDheJ5cAUFiJlufJGW-kNO9aoutljiBJYT8p-u93c#gid=443587257 Stanford- wide community offerings]
* [https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/u/1/d/13nhPQ9uC9qwHnkCkezP3MI-xRkGTqsfbqDp3hwgFt9c/edit?fbclid=IwAR0M82q_k62RQ_FBYFIDheJ5cAUFiJlufJGW-kNO9aoutljiBJYT8p-u93c#gid=443587257 Stanford- wide community offerings]
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= Grocery Delivery Options =
= Grocery Delivery Options =
* [http://instacart.com InstaCart] (four day delay as of March 16)
* [http://instacart.com InstaCart] (four day delay as of March 16 - also their workers are [https://www.vox.com/recode/2020/3/30/21200495/instacart-strike-coronavirus-covid-19-working-conditions-amazon-whole-foods-gig-economy on strike])
* [https://www.safeway.com Safeway] (deliveries completely sold out, but you might be able pick up your order if they do not cancel it as mine just was)
* [https://www.safeway.com Safeway] (deliveries completely sold out, but you might be able pick up your order if they do not cancel it as mine just was)
= Being Conscious of and Ensuring Good Air Flow =
* (JOS in Town Hall Presentation 2020-04-01)
* [https://www.newyorker.com/news/news-desk/keeping-the-coronavirus-from-infecting-health-care-workers Close Contact Definitions]
* [https://www.latimes.com/world-nation/story/2020-03-29/coronavirus-choir-outbreak Choir Practice]
* [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vBvFkQizTT4&t=5m Micro-Droplets]
* [https://www.newyorker.com/news/news-desk/keeping-the-coronavirus-from-infecting-health-care-workers Effective Practices Up Close]
* The ideal ventilation direction is obviously floor to ceiling, but any direction of flow is better than stagnant air

= Glossary =
= Glossary =

Latest revision as of 15:27, 19 June 2020

Have at it CCRMA community



  • jacktrip — high quality, low latency audio over networks

Optimizing Zoom

  • Zoom Web Client (for people who want to attend meetings from a browser without downloading and installing the Zoom app: "Note that the meeting experience from the browser is limited")

Zoom Doom and Gloom

  • 4/1/20 Zoom announces a feature freeze as they redeploy their entire development team to dealing with security and privacy issues.


Virtual Classroom Tips

Health and Well Being

  • Nette is holding a daily Zoom "drop-in" hangout from 1pm-2pm M-F; please see Nette's email from 3/19/2020 (subject: "Town Hall Recording") for ways to connect
  • (Errand sharing sheet created by Michiko Theurer - see email)

Grocery Delivery Options

  • InstaCart (four day delay as of March 16 - also their workers are on strike)
  • Safeway (deliveries completely sold out, but you might be able pick up your order if they do not cancel it as mine just was)

Being Conscious of and Ensuring Good Air Flow


  • "Flattening the Curve"
  • Quaranteam: you and your housemates