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Fate Playing Knock-Knock Jokes at the Door
A electronic re-orchestration of the entire first movement of Beethoven's Symphony No. 5 using ChucK instruments, panning, and other effects. Most, but not all, of this piece preserves the notation and tempo of the original work.
A electronic re-orchestration of the entire first movement of Beethoven's Symphony No. 5 using ChucK instruments, reverb, tempo manipulation, and other effects. Most, but not all, of this piece preserves the notation and tempo of the original work.
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* [https://ccrma.stanford.edu/~rwong/220c/rwong_bets5m1.ck https://ccrma.stanford.edu/~rwong/220c/rwong_bets5m1.ck]
* [https://ccrma.stanford.edu/~rwong/220c/rwong_bets5m1.ck https://ccrma.stanford.edu/~rwong/220c/rwong_bets5m1.ck]
==Current Ideas==
==Notes About the Piece / Lessons Learned==
* I want to write a piece that doesn't just reflect its musical characteristics, but also reflects the reputation it has developed. Maybe I should consider incorporating material from composers after Beethoven as well?
* For the sake of decomposition, I created a playNotes() function that took in several arguments: the instrument to play, the pitches to play, the durations to play each pitch for, the number of repetitions for each pitch, the velocity at which to play the pitches, and the amount of silence in between notes (to simulate staccato, legato, etc.). But even with so many parameters, I often had to break this abstraction to get more expression--such as accelerando and crescendo.
* The HevyMetl and BandedWG will most definitely be in the piece.
* I learned a lot about the ranges of each Chuck instrument. Some instruments (like HevyMetl) sounded good in both high and low ranges, and so I used them often much in the same way that a classical composer might depend on string instruments. Other instruments (like ModalBar and BeeThree) had more limited ranges, and so these instruments were used more for special "effects" and refreshing timbral contrasts.
* I want to use panning at some point in the piece.
* Decomposition was extraordinary difficult to achieve. It seems like while computer science prides itself in decompositional elegance, music does not. I learned (the somewhat hard, exasperating way) that there is a good reason why classical musical scores write out every note and don't have a ton of passages that say "do the same thing as in x, but slightly differently."
* I do not plan to have a chord texture as thick as in the original. Having multiple instruments play chords takes a long time--and isn't terribly original.
* It didn't occur to me until the last few weeks of the quarter that my project involved both orchestration- and conductor-related work. Not only did I have to figure out who plays what and when, but also how the sounds are articulated and how to vary the tempo. No wonder my Chuck file is so huge: working out such decisions requires a lot of details! Had I realized this earlier, I might have chosen a less ambitious project.
* Beethoven is very interesting. Enough said.
==Current Questions==
* Sometimes being sparse and ghostly in Chuck is not only easier than being dense and richly textured, but also more interesting since the original work already features more instruments than I could keep track of in a single-file program.
* My favorite instruments have been HevyMetl, BandedWG, and PercFlut--because they can be used in a variety of contexts.
* To what extent should this piece a (1) re-orchestration, (2) an arrangement, and (3) an response that is highly contrasted with the original overall?
* The original's opening is extremely important and distinctive. It's also quiet assertive and loud. Should my opening be assertive and loud as well, or would it be more interesting to make it mysterious and quiet?
* The original work can create an intimidating effect by having all of the instruments play. Can I achieve a similar ff effect in Chuck?
* Should fermatas be hardcoded into the Chuck file, or should they be held for as long as the person running the program wishes? (The person may press a key to end a fermata)?
* Week 2: Present idea and get feedback.
* Week 3: Have preliminary outline of form and orchestration.
* Week 4: Implement first quarter.
* Week 5: Implement second quarter.
* Week 6: Implement third quarter.
* Week 7: Implement fourth quarter.
* Week 8: Revise.
* Week 9: Present final work for final comments
==Week 3 Update (4/12)==
* Instruments: HevyMetl, BandedWG, ModalBar
* Preliminary Ideas of Form (I'm learning toward the first idea):
** Keep form same. This is more of a re-orchestration.
** Play entire exposition from original piece, play different development, play same ending.
** Or make piece so different that audiences don't experience break of expectations.
* Implemented the first few bars of exposition.
==Week 4 Update (4/19)==
* Got past first forte section
* Things to Work On
** The Mandolin sounds weak in the high register. Consider using an envelope/cross fade to transition between instruments, or change Mandolin parameters (maybe pluck position?)
** Lower gain of instruments so that crackling is not heard.
** Think about whether or not / how to have the Mandolin do slurs and staccato. One suggestion is to have an envelope that gradually changes the pitch.
==Week 6 Update (5/3)==
* Finished exposition
* Chris's suggestion: Look into Wendy Carlos's Switched on Bach

Revision as of 03:11, 7 June 2011

Project Idea

My original idea was to enhance the chord progression maker I made from Music 220B. But upon realizing that Music 220C might be my last chance to make a composition, I've decided to put that idea off for now and instead think about creating an electronic music response to the first movement of Beethoven's Symphony No. 5, composed mostly in Chuck.


Fate Playing Knock-Knock Jokes at the Door

A electronic re-orchestration of the entire first movement of Beethoven's Symphony No. 5 using ChucK instruments, reverb, tempo manipulation, and other effects. Most, but not all, of this piece preserves the notation and tempo of the original work.


Notes About the Piece / Lessons Learned

  • For the sake of decomposition, I created a playNotes() function that took in several arguments: the instrument to play, the pitches to play, the durations to play each pitch for, the number of repetitions for each pitch, the velocity at which to play the pitches, and the amount of silence in between notes (to simulate staccato, legato, etc.). But even with so many parameters, I often had to break this abstraction to get more expression--such as accelerando and crescendo.
  • I learned a lot about the ranges of each Chuck instrument. Some instruments (like HevyMetl) sounded good in both high and low ranges, and so I used them often much in the same way that a classical composer might depend on string instruments. Other instruments (like ModalBar and BeeThree) had more limited ranges, and so these instruments were used more for special "effects" and refreshing timbral contrasts.
  • Decomposition was extraordinary difficult to achieve. It seems like while computer science prides itself in decompositional elegance, music does not. I learned (the somewhat hard, exasperating way) that there is a good reason why classical musical scores write out every note and don't have a ton of passages that say "do the same thing as in x, but slightly differently."
  • It didn't occur to me until the last few weeks of the quarter that my project involved both orchestration- and conductor-related work. Not only did I have to figure out who plays what and when, but also how the sounds are articulated and how to vary the tempo. No wonder my Chuck file is so huge: working out such decisions requires a lot of details! Had I realized this earlier, I might have chosen a less ambitious project.
  • Beethoven is very interesting. Enough said.
  • Sometimes being sparse and ghostly in Chuck is not only easier than being dense and richly textured, but also more interesting since the original work already features more instruments than I could keep track of in a single-file program.
  • My favorite instruments have been HevyMetl, BandedWG, and PercFlut--because they can be used in a variety of contexts.