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==Hourglass 1==  
==Hourglass 1==  
Attach contact microphones to the ends of the hourglass.  As the sand falls, the resonance of the chambers should change, so this would be kind of like amplifying the sounds of the sands falling in the hourglass and listening to how the resonance changes.  The sounds would go out through speakers.

Revision as of 15:30, 30 January 2013

This is Jennifer Hsu's 250B page

Hourglass 1

Attach contact microphones to the ends of the hourglass. As the sand falls, the resonance of the chambers should change, so this would be kind of like amplifying the sounds of the sands falling in the hourglass and listening to how the resonance changes. The sounds would go out through speakers.

Jhsu 250b hourglass1.jpg

Hourglass 2

Jhsu 250b hourglass2.jpg

Reverberant Plate

Jhsu 250b plate.jpg


Jhsu 250b gourd.jpg


Jhsu 250b binaural.jpg


Jhsu 250b teapot.jpg

Modified Spring Reverb

Jhsu 250b springreverb.jpg

Design Experiment 2

Jhsu 250b roomreverb1.jpg
Jhsu 250b roomreverb2.jpg

Class Design Experiment 1

Jhsu 250b springs.jpg