Difference between revisions of "SLOrk/Instruments/KoolKeys"

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Line 21: Line 21:
# Optional:
# Optional:
#* Select number of pings to play by using numbers 1 through 9 (number of pings will be double the selected value)
#* Select number of pings to play by using numbers 1 through 9 (number of pings will be double the selected value)
#* adjust chord type ([[#Other control keys|detail]])
#* adjust chord type ([[#Chord selection|detail]])
#* Change register ([[#Other control keys|detail]])
#* Change register ([[#Other control keys|detail]])
#* Change tempo of pings ([[#Other control keys|detail]])
#* Change tempo of pings ([[#Other control keys|detail]])
Line 36: Line 36:
===== Interval selection =====
===== Chord selection =====
Number keys from 1 to 8
===== Interval quality selection =====
{|style="color:black; background-color:#eeeeee;" cellpadding="5" cellspacing="0" border="1"
* M (Major/Perfect)
|Major||Minor||Dominant 7||Minor 7||Power||Sixth||Major 7||Sustained 4||Diminished
* N (Minor/Tritone)
''(no diminished or augmented)''
===== Other control keys =====
===== Other control keys =====

Revision as of 01:43, 20 May 2009


The program senses mouse movement, and plays chords (each note of the chord on a different channel) at the volume which cooresponds to the speed of the mouse movement. It can be modified to play through a Hemi or through laptop speakers.




  • Using a terminal go to the folder where "koolkeys.ck" is located
  • On the terminal window type: (replace N with the number of output channels of the audio card)
    chuck -cN koolkeys.ck
  • Play!


This program works much like a keyboard on a piano, and is highly based off of the virtual keyboard in Garage Band.

  1. Select the root note by using 2nd and 3rd rows of the keyboard (from A & W to P & '). See root note selection for details
  2. Play chord by moving finger over trackpad
  3. Optional:
    • Select number of pings to play by using numbers 1 through 9 (number of pings will be double the selected value)
    • adjust chord type (detail)
    • Change register (detail)
    • Change tempo of pings (detail)
    • Isolate individual notes of chord (detail)

Key mapping

Root note selection
C C# D D# E F F# G G# A A# B C C# D D# D E F
A W S E D F T G Y H U J I K O L P ;
Chord selection
Major Minor Dominant 7 Minor 7 Power Sixth Major 7 Sustained 4 Diminished
Z X C V B N M , .
Other control keys
Parameter Decrease Increase
Register , .
Detune 9 0
Spin frequency Arrow Left Arrow Right
Number of harmonics (timber) Arrow Down Arrow Up
Mute keys
Key Mutes ...
SPACE BAR Both notes
Left SHIFT Root note
Right SHIFT Interval note

Advanced users

ChucK Code

If you just want to look at the code, here it is:

//Project 2

2 => int speakers;
60 => int key;
0 => int chance_high;
0 => int player;
240 => float tempo;

SinOsc frst => JCRev r => dac.chan(0%speakers);
SinOsc thrd => r => dac.chan(1%speakers);
SinOsc fith => r => dac.chan(2%speakers);
SinOsc sevn => r => dac.chan(3%speakers);

SinOsc high => r => Echo a;

[0,4,7,12] @=> int maj[];
[0,3,7,12] @=> int min[];
[0,4,7,10] @=> int dom7[];
[0,3,7,10] @=> int min7[];
[0,7,12,0] @=> int pwr[];
[0,4,7,9] @=> int six[];
[0,4,7,11] @=> int maj7[];
[0,5,7,12] @=> int sus4[];
[0,4,7,14] @=> int nin[];
[0,2,7,12] @=> int sec[];
[0,3,6,9] @=> int dim7[];
[-1,3,6,11] @=> int flat7[];

KBHit kb; //keyboard
Hid hi;
HidMsg msg;
0=>float volume;
0=>float true_vol;

if( !hi.openMouse( 0 ) ) me.exit();

int k;
maj @=> int chord[];
0 => int deg;
0 => int octave;
float play_now[];

function float[] chnum(int start, int deg, int chord[]) {
    return [Std.mtof(start+deg+octave+chord[4%4]),Std.mtof(start+deg+octave+chord[5%4]),Std.mtof(start+deg+octave+chord[6%4]),Std.mtof(start+deg+octave+chord[7%4])];

function void get_mouse() {
    while (true) {
        hi => now;
        while (hi.recv( msg )) {
            if( msg.isMouseMotion() ) {

function void main_loop() {
    while (true) {
        volume*.85 => volume;
        volume => true_vol;
        true_vol/4500.0 => true_vol;
        if (true_vol>1.0) {1.0=>true_vol;}
        if (true_vol<.001) {0.0=>true_vol;}
        kb.getchar() => k;
        if (k>=48&k<=57) {(k-48)*2 => chance_high;<<<(k-48)*2," pings">>>;}
        if (k==122) {maj@=>chord;<<<"Major","">>>;}
        if (k==120) {min@=>chord;<<<"Minor","">>>;}
        if (k==99) {dom7@=>chord;<<<"Dominant 7","">>>;}
        if (k==118) {min7@=>chord;<<<"Minor 7","">>>;}
        if (k==98) {pwr@=>chord;<<<"Power","">>>;}
        if (k==110) {six@=>chord;<<<"Sixth","">>>;}
        if (k==109) {maj7@=>chord;<<<"Major 7","">>>;}
        if (k==44) {sus4@=>chord;<<<"Sustained 4","">>>;}
        if (k==46) {nin@=>chord;<<<"Ninth","">>>;}
        if (k==47) {dim7@=>chord;<<<"Diminshed 7","">>>;}
        if (k==97) {0=>deg;<<<"C","">>>;}
        if (k==119) {1=>deg;<<<"C#","">>>;}
        if (k==115) {2=>deg;<<<"D","">>>;}
        if (k==101) {3=>deg;<<<"D#","">>>;}
        if (k==100) {4=>deg;<<<"E","">>>;}
        if (k==102) {5=>deg;<<<"F","">>>;}
        if (k==116) {6=>deg;<<<"F#","">>>;}
        if (k==103) {7=>deg;<<<"G","">>>;}
        if (k==121) {8=>deg;<<<"G#","">>>;}
        if (k==104) {9=>deg;<<<"A","">>>;}
        if (k==117) {10=>deg;<<<"A#","">>>;}
        if (k==106) {11=>deg;<<<"B","">>>;}
        if (k==107) {12=>deg;<<<"C","">>>;}
        if (k==111) {13=>deg;<<<"C#","">>>;}
        if (k==108) {14=>deg;<<<"D","">>>;}
        if (k==112) {15=>deg;<<<"D#","">>>;}
        if (k==59) {16=>deg;<<<"E","">>>;}
        if (k==39) {17=>deg;<<<"F","">>>;}

        if (k == 45) {12 -=> octave;<<<"Octave:",octave/12>>>;}
        if (k == 61) {12 +=> octave;<<<"Octave:",octave/12>>>;}

        if (k == 91) {5 -=> tempo;<<<tempo,"bpm">>>;}
        if (k == 93) {5 +=> tempo;<<<tempo,"bpm">>>;}

        if (k == 33) {1 => player;<<<"Base","">>>;}
        if (k == 64) {2 => player;<<<"Tenor","">>>;}
        if (k == 35) {3 => player;<<<"Alto","">>>;}
        if (k == 36) {4 => player;<<<"Soprano","">>>;}
        if (k == 37) {0 => player;<<<"All","">>>;}

        chnum(key,deg,chord) @=> play_now;
        if (player == 1) {true_vol => frst.gain;0 => thrd.gain;0 => fith.gain;0 => sevn.gain;}
        if (player == 2) {true_vol => thrd.gain;0 => frst.gain;0 => fith.gain;0 => sevn.gain;}
        if (player == 3) {true_vol => fith.gain;0 => frst.gain;0 => thrd.gain;0 => sevn.gain;}
        if (player == 4) {true_vol => sevn.gain;0 => frst.gain;0 => thrd.gain;0 => fith.gain;}
        if (player == 0) {true_vol => frst.gain;true_vol => thrd.gain;true_vol => fith.gain;true_vol => sevn.gain;}
        play_now[0] => frst.freq;
        play_now[1] => thrd.freq;
        play_now[2] => fith.freq;
        play_now[3] => sevn.freq;
        100::ms => now;

function void pings(){

for (0 => int i; i < chance_high; i++) {
            .05-true_vol/2 => high.gain;
            a => dac.chan(Std.rand2(0,speakers - 1));
            Std.mtof(chord[Std.rand2(0,3)]+key+deg+Std.rand2(0,1)*12) => high.freq;
            (60000/tempo)::ms => now;
            0.0 => high.gain;
            a =< dac;
            0 => chance_high;

  100::ms => now;

spork ~ get_mouse();
spork ~ main_loop();
spork ~ pings();

while (true) {