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Music Department TA Training: Difference between revisions

From CCRMA Wiki
Rmichon (talk | contribs)
Rmichon (talk | contribs)
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** The Honor Code: https://communitystandards.stanford.edu/student-conduct-process/honor-code-and-fundamental-standard
** The Honor Code: https://communitystandards.stanford.edu/student-conduct-process/honor-code-and-fundamental-standard
** How to handle Honor Code violations? - Office of Community Standards https://communitystandards.stanford.edu/
** How to handle Honor Code violations? - Office of Community Standards https://communitystandards.stanford.edu/
* Using Axess and Coursework
* Hume Center for Writing and Speaking: https://undergrad.stanford.edu/tutoring-support/hume-center
* Video on Major Stanford policies and practices every TA should know: https://oae.stanford.edu/video-resource-teaching-assistants
* Video on Major Stanford policies and practices every TA should know: https://oae.stanford.edu/video-resource-teaching-assistants
* General Information on Sexual Harassment: https://harass.stanford.edu/training/course-non-supervisory-staff
* General Information on Sexual Harassment: https://harass.stanford.edu/training/course-non-supervisory-staff

Revision as of 23:49, 21 March 2016

Program of the Workshop

April 16, 2016 (Braun 102)

  • 09:00am - 09:30am: Breakfast
  • 09:30am - 10:30am: Workshop Overview and Teaching info/resources in Braun and CCRMA: undergraduate course requirements for music majors, keys for the TA office and copy room, piano locations, printers/copy machines/scanners, audiovisual cables and remotes, and the possibility of proposing and teaching your own course.
  • 10:30am - 12:15pm: Teaching workshop in Braun (2 students)
  • 12:15pm - 01:30pm: Lunch break
  • 01:30pm - 03:15pm: Teaching workshop in Braun (2 students)
  • 03:30pm - 04:45pm: Round table with recent graduates and faculty 1: instructor expectations and tips
  • 04:45pm - 05:30pm: Round table with recent graduates and faculty 2: overview of the academic job market
  • 06:00pm: BBQ at CCRMA + Party

April 17 (CCRMA Classroom)

  • 09:00am - 09:30am: Breakfast
  • 09:30am - 10:30pm: Teaching info/resources at Stanford: the Honor Code, how to handle Honor Code violations, how to use Axess and Coursework, the registrar’s add/drop deadlines, the university’s sexual harassment policy, and advising/tutoring resources such as Office of Accessible Education, the Hume Writing Center, and the Center for Teaching and Learning.
  • 10:30pm - 12:15pm: Teaching workshop at CCRMA (2 students)
  • 10:30pm - 12:15pm: Q&A session - end of the workshop

Teaching Info/Resources in Braun and CCRMA



Round Table 1: Instructor Expectations and Tips


Round Table 2: Overview of the Academic Job Market


Teaching Info/Resources at Stanford

Teaching Workshop Videos
