
From CCRMA Wiki
Revision as of 14:06, 11 April 2011 by Spencer (Talk | contribs)

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My project is to extend the virtual instrument I developed in Music 220b using the Xbox Kinect sensor, which combines a 3D depth-map with a conventional camera. The 3 overarching goals for this project are:

  • utilize higher-level semantic information analyzed from the Kinect data stream (i.e. identifying limbs/torso/head)
  • explore the relationship between performable instrument and installation
  • further explore overdubbed video looping concepts

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April 9, 2011

Got Cinder and Kinect talking to each other. This is already a lot faster/less laggy than Processing.

April 7, 2011

Created this page.

April 5, 2011

Started sketching interaction concepts. The one I like most so far is the "racquetball" idea, in which balls bounce back and forth between foreground/background and the user can catch them or something. But really, can I come up with something that doesn't involve balls?