Lab 3 - Sound Flares
In this lab, we will experiment with interaction between real-time sound and graphics using OpenGL. The goal is to build a graphical world inhabited by "flares". These graphical particles can be flung around using multitouch, and make sound when they collide with the walls of their world (which coincide with the sides of your phone's screen).
OpenGL bootup
Create a new single-view application. Now, we will integrate code from the aptly titled "graphicsStuff" (download here). Add all of the files in graphicsStuff to the project. Also, you will need to add GLKit.framework and OpenGLES.framework to the project, by opening "(Project Name)" in the left sidebar, then "Targets - (Project Name)", then "Build Phases", then "Link Binary With Libraries".
Also add MoAudio as before, along with CoreAudio.framework and AudioToolbox.framework. Note that, instead of putting