AVR Microcontrollers
AVR 8-bit RISC microcontrollers by Atmel are currently at the heart of the embedded technology platform we use in Physical Interaction Design research and courses at CCRMA. These chips have a modern Harvard Architecture, executing most instruction cycles in a single clock cycle. An extremely efficient open source C compiler is available, and these devices are used and supported by a large community of developers. The AVR architecture and instruction set is available in a large family of 8-bit devices that come in a variety of packages. AVR-series chips come with as little as 1 Kbyte of Flash program memory, up to 256 Kbytes; 32 bytes to 8 Kbytes of RAM; and up to 20 MHz clock speeds. Specialized AVR devices exist for automotive, LCD and lighting control, USB and radio applications. Code is easily portable between devices.
AVR Hardware at CCRMA
We currently use the ATMega 32 (Product Page). It features:
- 32 Kbyte self-programming Flash Program Memory
- 2 Kbyte SRAM
- 1 Kbyte EEPROM
- 8-Channel 10-bit A/D-converter
- Up to 16 Mhz clock
- I2C, SPI interfaces
- 1 USART, 2-channels PWM, 2 ext. interrupts
ATMega 32 Documentation:
AVRmini Development Board
The AVRmini development board, made by Pascal Stang, is a general purpose prototyping board that provides easy access to the AVR's I/O and programming interfaces, along with a number of useful peripheral devices. We are currently using the AVRmini v4.0. The AVRmini v4.0 provides:
- Support for most 40-pin AVR processors
- Ethernet, USB, SD/MMC, RS-232 I/O
- I2C header
- Character LCD header
- 10-pin I/O headers
- 4 buttons and 4 LEDs
- 5-V regulator
AVRmini Documentation:
CCRMA's AVR Prototyping Kit
For our PID courses at CCRMA, we assemble a prototyping kit based on the AVRmini. We mount the AVRmini on a sheet of 1/8" acrylic, and add solderless breadboard strips, an LCD display and a small loudspeaker. Pins 9 and 10 of the AVRmini v4.0's "AUX" header (JP13) are connected to the ground and +5V power rails of the breadboard strips.
- kit Photo
Spyglass User Interface Board
The LCD display on CCRMA's prototyping board is part of the Spyglass User interface Board, which communicates with the AVR via I2C. We purchased these on eBay, and from a few other places, but they are hard to come by these days. Pascal Stang has written a brief Spyglass User Guide. He has also developed a replacement I2C button module/LCD driver (no documentation available) to which we can connect an LCD display and use just like the Spyglass.
- Spyglass photo
- buttonmodule photo
AVR Software at CCRMA
Programming the AVR
Downloading Compiled Programs to the AVR
Setting up your Computer to do AVRLib / CCRMA-Style AVR Development
No matter what platform you use, you need to get the avrlib. If you are using a Linux machine at CCRMA, see the next section for the best way to do this. Otherwise, you can download the avrlib here:
and decompress it into your home directory. On a Linux or Mac system you can do this with:
~> tar xzf avrlib_ccrma20070124.tar.gz
A set of demo programs to demonstrate the basic functionalities of the AVRlib and AVRmini are also available:
Again on Linux or Mac, you can decompress them with:
~/somewhere> tar xzf avrlib-demos20070124.tar.gz
The avrlib-demos can reside anywhere, but they assume that the avrlib is in your home directory.
At CCRMA, we use the ATMega32
Linux Machines at CCRMA
The Linux machines at CCRMA already have the AVR development tools installed, and in your path. All you need to do is get a copy of the AVRlib. The avrlib-demos are helpful in getting started.
To get the most up-to-date versions, use subversion.
In a terminal, change into your home directory, and then type:
~> svn checkout file:///usr/ccrma/group/pid/avr/svn/avrlib ./avrlib
This will create an avrlib directory in your home directory. You can update it anytime from a terminal, by changing into the avrlib directory and typing:
~/avrlib> svn update
To get the avrlib-demos with subversion:
~/somewhere> svn checkout file:///usr/ccrma/group/pid/avr/svn/avrlib-demos ./avrlib-demos
You can update them with svn update as well. The avrlib-demos can reside anywhere, but they assume that the avrlib is in your home directory.
PlanetCCRMA Linux on your own PC
AVR Development Tools
If you have PlanetCCRMA installed on your PC, then you just need to make sure that you have the AVR development packages installed, using yum or apt.
For Fedora Core 4, the AVR compiler tools are under Applications/Development. The AVR downloading/programming tools are under Development/Tools.
AVRlib and avrlib-demos
Download the avrlib and avrlib-demos as described above. Note that you need to get the .tar.gz files, as the svn repository is not available outside of CCRMA.
Mac OS X / Linux
These instructions are excerpted from avr-libc" Installing the GNU Tool Chain.
Mac OS X: The Easy Way
1.You need the gnumake program, and you also need a symbolic link to it called make.
There are two options: i) Install Apple's developer tools, which include gnumake and much, much, much more. If you want to develop OSX applications you probably want or already have these anyway. They have a fancy easy-to-use installer.
ii) Alternately, you could just download my copy of gnumake: For PPC: osx-gnumake.tar.gz For Intel:
Then, unstuff it, and install the resulting file like this:
~> tar xzf osc-gnumake.tar.gz ~> sudo mv gnumake /usr/bin ~> sudo ln -s /usr/bin/gnumake /usr/bin/make
2. Download, un-stuff this archive and put the resulting avr directory in /usr/local, which you may need to create if it doesn't exist:
- usr-local-avr_ppc.tar.gz (35 MB - PowerPC)
- usr-local-avr_intel.tar.gz (xx MB - Intel)
You will probably need to do this as administrator, i.e.
~> tar xzf usr-local-avr_ppc.tar.gz ~> sudo mv avr /usr/local
3. Add /usr/local/avr/bin to your Unix path. For example, if you use the tcsh shell, add this line to the file .cshrc in your home directory:
set path=($path /usr/local/avr/bin)
If you use the bash shell, add these two lines to the .bash_profile file in your home directory:
PATH=$PATH:/usr/local/avr/bin export PATH
Linux / Mac OS X (the not-so easy way)
This requires compiling the tools from source. It is not too difficult, but may take some time, depending on your bandwidth and CPU speed. On a Mac, this assumes you have the Apple's developer tools installed. On Linux, it assumes you have gcc and a basic operational build setup.
First, you need to download the following sources (either .tar.gz or .tar.bz2):
- GNU Binutils (currently at version 2.17)
- GCC (currently at version 4.1.2)
- avr-libc (currently at version 1.4.5)
- avrdude (currently at version 5.3.1)
Next, you'll need to decide where to install the tools. It is usually a good idea to keep the avr build tools separate from your system build tools, so we recommend installing everything to /usr/local/avr. In order to do this, it is helpful to set an environment variable called PREFIX that points to this location. In a Bash shell (if your prompt is a $, this is probably what you're using), do:
$ PREFIX=/usr/local/avr $ export PREFIX
The equivalent in csh or tcsh is:
~> setenv PREFIX /usr/local/avr
3. You'll also want to set your path to include the location where you are going to install the tools. In Bash:
$ PATH=$PATH:$PREFIX/bin $ export PATH
In csh or tcsh:
set PATH = ($PATH $PREFIX/bin)
In either case, you should also add this to your default path, as in Step 3 of the previous section.
GNU Binutils for the AVR target
The binutils package provides all the low-level utilities needed in building and manipulating object files. Once installed, your environment will have an AVR assembler (avr-as), linker (avr-ld), and librarian (avr-ar and avr-ranlib). In addition, you get tools which extract data from object files (avr-objcopy), dissassemble object file information (avr-objdump), and strip information from object files (avr-strip). Before we can build the C compiler, these tools need to be in place.
Download and unpack the source files:
~> bunzip2 -c binutils-<version>.tar.bz2 | tar xf - ~> cd binutils-<version>
Note: Replace <version> with the version of the package you downloaded. If you obtained a gzip compressed file (.gz), use gunzip instead of bunzip2.
There are 2 patches that need to be run before you can compile the binutils. From this URL:
Download the patch files called patch-newdevices.txt and patch-avr-coff.txt, and save them in the binutils-<version> directory. Apply the patches with:
~> patch -p0 < patch-newdevice.txt ~> patch -p0 < patch-avr-coff.txt
Now you are ready to compile binutils. It is usually a good idea to configure and build binutils in a subdirectory so as not to pollute the source with the compiled files.
~> mkdir obj-avr ~> cd obj-avr
The next step is to configure and build the tools. This is done by supplying arguments to the configure script that enable the AVR-specific options.
~> ../configure --prefix=$PREFIX --target=avr --disable-nls
When configure is run, it generates a lot of messages while it determines what is available on your operating system. When it finishes, it will have created several Makefiles that are custom tailored to your platform. At this point, you can build the project.
~> make
Note: BSD users should note that the project's Makefile uses GNU make syntax. This means FreeBSD users may need to build the tools by using gmake. If the tools compiled cleanly, you're ready to install them. If you specified a destination that isn't owned by your account, you'll need root access to install them. To install:
~> sudo make install
You should now have the programs from binutils installed into $PREFIX/bin.
GCC for the AVR target
Warning: You must install avr-binutils and make sure your path is set properly before installing avr-gcc.
The steps to build avr-gcc are essentially same as for binutils:
~> bunzip2 -c gcc-<version>.tar.bz2 | tar xf - ~> cd gcc-<version>
At this point there is another patch for avr-gcc. Download the file patch-newdevices.txt (different from the patch for binutils of the same name) from here:
Move the patch file into the gcc-<version> directory and apply it with:
~>patch -p0 < patch-newdevices.txt
Now, you can compile avr-gcc:
~> mkdir obj-avr ~> cd obj-avr ~> ../configure --prefix=$PREFIX --target=avr --enable-languages=c,c++ --disable-nls --disable-libssp --with-dwarf2 ~> make ~> sudo make install
Warning: You must install avr-binutils, avr-gcc and make sure your path is set properly before installing avr-libc.
To compile and install the avr-libc
~> tar xzf avr-libc-<version>.tar.gz ~> cd avr-libc-<version> ~> ./configure --prefix=$PREFIX --build=`./config.guess` --host=avr ~> make ~> sudo make install
avrdude is the application that downloads the compiled code from you computer into the AVR's program memory. To compile and install it:
~> tar xzf avrdude-<version>.tar.gz ~> cd avrdude-<version> ~> mkdir obj-avr ~> cd obj-avr ~> ../configure --prefix=$PREFIX ~> make ~> sudo make install
Communicating with Pd via OSC over USB
Linux Machines at CCRMA
PlanetCCRMA Linux on your own PC
Mac OS X
Communicating with Max/MSP via OSC over USB
Mac OS X
==Communicating via OSC over udp ==