Tower of Power

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Revision as of 23:05, 16 November 2014 by Gbdavis (Talk | contribs)

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  • First draft sketches by Connor

CarlAndre1.jpg CarlAndre2.jpg

  • Initial sketches by Graham and Connor

ToP1.jpg ToP2.jpg ToP3.jpg WP 000000.jpg

  • Prototype photos

Photo 2.JPG

  • Distance Sensor prototyping

IRSensor1.jpg IRSensor2.jpg

  • LED and Arduino prototyping


  • Construction

WP 000010.jpg WP 000011.jpg WP 000012.jpg 200px 200px 200px

examples of similar work


minimum viable project
- 2 boxes - one tower and one platform with piezo contact mics and distance sensors.
- tower will have rectangles cut out of two faces so users can place arms through the tower. it will not have a top.
- piezos will be on each face of the tower and platform and will have pre-loaded samples. when struck, they will play those sounds.
- distance sensors will be on two faces of the tower and along top face of platform. they will connect to ambient noise that is altered by how close/far the user is from the sensor.
- speakers are outside of 2 boxes and are connected by wires.

desired output
- 3 boxes instead of 2. the next box will be a rectangular prism and in between the tower and platform in size and shape
- piezos and distance sensors would be a part of it as well.
- LED's would be introduced and would change based upon the body of the user in relation to the distance.

unlimited time
- each box is wholly self-contained with speakers, etc. so users can move them into new arrangements.
- more boxes, of course. total number is undetermined.
- spatial interaction between the boxes and the users would also influence the ambient noise.


1/2 inch thick maple plywood
wood glue
piezo discs
distance sensors
co-ax cable
Max patches for piezo inputs and distance sensor input
Arduino program for distance sensors and Arduino

steps needed for minimum viable project

1. create timeline for box completion and coding
2. prototype box, piezo interaction, and distance sensors - figure out crosstalk of piezos, etc.
3. write code on Max/MSP to get piezos to map to sound
4. design samples for piezo, ambient noise for distance sensors
5. build boxes
6. after piezos have been figured out, attach piezos to boxes
7. troubleshoot
8. work with distance sensors to write code in Arduino and Max/MSP
9. physically attach sensors
10. troubleshoot
11. paint boxes - color TBD
12. implement LED's
13. plug into speakers
14. play