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Mustache Week BBQ

From CCRMA Wiki
Revision as of 23:00, 13 February 2008 by Turner (talk | contribs)

So it is official!! We are having a BBQ on Presidents day this coming Monday the 18th!

Tell us if you are coming in the "Who Is Coming" section and tell us what you can bring in the "Stuff you can Provide" Section.

Occasion and Sponsors

To kick off Mustache Week and have great food and drink.

Also To Thwart The Evil Jamba Juice Corporation

 --- Sponsored by --- 

  "F#@% Jamba Juice" 
"Taj Mahetheno Enterprises"

--- When --- Afternoonish on Monday the 18th

--- Where--- The Knoll or the Lake (still up for consideration)

Stuff Needed


  • Meat!!


  • Smoothie Materials
    1. Fruit -- Bananas, Strawberries, Blueberries, Mixed Berries etc. (Frozen bags of fruit are great!)
    2. Apple Juice and/or Milk

Stuff You Can Provide

  • Turner -- Blender, Smoothie Materials (Lots of Fruit and Apple Juice), Some Sausages

Who Is Coming?

RSVP so we can get a head count

  • Turner J. Kirk