- hi
- download MOTU driver here: here
To Dos...
Step Zero
System Preferences
- Desktop & Screen Saver: change to 30 minutes, CHECK: Show with clock [see screenshot, Picture 1]
- Dock: CHECK: automatically hide and show the dock [see screenshot, Picture 2]
- Expose + Spaces
- Expose: good as is. refer to Picture 3
- Spaces: good as is. refer to Picture 4
- Spotlight: UNCHECK both boxes in the bottom, refer to Picture 5
Energy Saver
- Settings for: Power Adapters
- Optimization: Better Performance (should automatically change to "Custom" after everything)
- sleep: Never
- displays to sleep: 45 min
- refer to PIcture 6
- Settings for: Battery
- Optimization: Better Performance(should automatically change to "Custom" after everything)
- sleep: 1 hr
- display: 15min
- refer to Picture 7
- CLICK THE LOCK to prevent further changes!!!
- UNCHECK the middle three feedback stuff
- leave it CHECKed: show volume in menu bar
- refer to Picture 8
- UNLOCK THE LOCK to make changes
- Computer Name: [name the machine]
- CHECK: Remote Login
- LOCK to prevent further changes
- UNLOCK to make changes
- Under "Login Options" (to the left panel), Automatic login as "The SLOrk"
- CHECK "Enable fast user switching" (OK on the warning)
- View as: "Short name" (refer to Picture 9)
- LOCK to prevent further changes
Software Update
- (first, connect to safari to connect to CCRMA)
- Check now for new software: DO IT AT THE END...... BECAUSE IT TAKES A LONG TIME.
- Install everything we need to
- UNCHECK: Check for updates
- refer to Picture 10
Time Machine
- UNCHECK: Show Time Machine status in the menu bar
- refer to Picture 11
- chose "column view" at the top
- REMOVE "Send Registration" from the HOME folder
- GET RID OF "Documents" from the left column
- Preferences: change home page to http;//
- View --> Show Status Bar
- refer to Picture 13
- Delete all links/ bookmarks from beneath the URL box
- Add slork to quick link (
- Add ccrma to quick link (
- Add chuck to quick link (
Download the Mini Audicle
- ... from here
- Insert Disc 2
- Xcode Tools
- XcodeTools.mpkg
Download motu drivers
- (To be put up on the ccrma space)
- Choose to install to Applications
- CHECK FireWire-USB Audio Drivers ONLY
- refer to Picture 12
- Click Install
- MOTU Audio Setup.. drag to dock?
- refer to picture 15: CHECK "Launch MOTU..."
- plug in MOTU, turn on. check settings under MOTU Audio Setup, under UltraLite:
- 44100
- Internal
- Analog 1-2
- Analog 1-2
- Analog 1-2
- 5.1 (Analog 1-6)
- refer to Picture 14
- Preferences-> Settings -> Settings
- Select Pro (left column)
- Text: see picture (16)
- Select Pro (left column)
- Window (17)
- Advanced: UNCHECK Bell -> Audible Bell (18)
- 90% transparency?
for checking out SLOrk content from the repository: "trunk" (
1. for checking out SLOrk content from the repository: "trunk" svn co svn+ssh:// 2. rename trunk to slork: mv trunk slork 3. cp slork/scripts/shell/bash_profile .bash_profile 4. Test it: chuck --> you should get "[chuck]: no input files... (try --help)"
remove and add stuff to the dock to make it look like PIcture 19