Fun with Wiimotes
Nice little piece from on Making Music with Nintendo's Wiimote: [link]
Software Downloads
[aka.wiimote] provides a Max patch for Macs
[Darwiin Remote] provides a Mac interface that sends received packets out via OSC
[WiinRemote] is for Windows (haven't tried it)
[Wiinstrument] apparently for Windows XP or Vista, Mac OS X, Linux (haven't tried it)
Example using Darwiin Remote
(flow diagram here)
Data from the Wiimote is broadcast using [Bluetooth].
On our computer, we use a program that receives the Bluetooth packets and interprets them. In this example, we are using Darwiin Remote.
Darwiin Remote broadcasts the data it receives using [OpenSoundControl] (OSC) message over [UDP]. By default it broadcasts on localhost ( on port 5600; these settings can be changed in Preferences.
In Max, we can receive the UDP/OSC messages, and route them to unpack the data. (You'll need to [download] the OpenSoundControl and OSC-route objects from CNMAT to make this work). The sample patch for this is [here].