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Snd:Editing Soundfiles

From CCRMA Wiki
Revision as of 01:30, 24 August 2011 by Juanig (talk | contribs) (more emacs keybindings)

Editing soundfiles with SND

To edit soundfiles using SND, good advice is to use 'emacs-like' keyboard combinations (see below), and then try them on a SND listener window. To make things easier start with a short (3 secs) mono (one-channel) soundfile.

c-x means control-x or the keyboard combination <ctrl>-<x>
M-x means meta-x and at CCRMA is the keyboard combination <esc>-<x>

If you have a soundfile in the active window try the following combinations and watch the cursor in the displayed soundfile active window. If you don't have a soundfile you can use the open command in the file pull-down menu of SND.

c-a: move cursor to window start
c-e: move cursor to window end
c-v: move cursor to mid-window
c-l: position window so cursor is in the middle
c-f: move cursor ahead one sample
c-b: move cursor back one sample
c-q: play current channel starting at cursor
c-t: stop playing
c-[Space]: start selection definition
c-m: place (or remove) mark at cursor location
c-j: goto mark
c-w: delete (cut) current region
M-w: (copy) current region
c-y: paste in last deleted region
c-_: undo
c-x c-s: save your current edition.