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Final Presentation

  • web page due and presentation on Thursday, December 15 3:30pm

Final projects in 220a are wide open in content. New music, ideas involving sound, upgrades to Chuck itself, graphics interaction (Processing language), anything goes. The only requirement is to do the sound and music programming in Chuck so your code is shareable with the rest of the class. You'll have 8 minutes to set up, play and present your work at our final meeting. It'll be a long evening and Chris will cook. These are usually pretty fun marathons and guests are welcome.

We'll be up in the Stage from 3:30pm and there is a signup wiki for presentation order. Anyone with questions about a project idea or how to make one work can contact Chris or the TA's.

Final Presentation Sign Up

1. Abrey Mann

2. Max Praglin

3. Timothy Wong

4. Sidharth Kumar

5. Kurt Werner

6. Danny Organ

7. Mayank Sanganeria

8. Francois Germain

9. Cecilia Wu

10. Jennifer Hsu

11. JP Wright

12. Kevin Chau

13. Sarah Smith

14. Colin Sullivan

15. Matt Weber

16. Beau Silver

17. Andy Stuhl

18. Jeff Rowell

19. Afrooz Family

20. Aravind Arun

21. Calvin Wang

22. Lydia Zodda

23. Evan Gitterman

24. Lulu DeBoer

25. Hank Stanley

26. Helen Chavez

27. Bobby Gonzales

28. Danny Dalton

29. Derek Tingle

30. Duncan Lindsay

31. Micah Arvey







Music Presentation Sign Up

  • 9/29 (THU) : Cecilia Wu, Kurt Werner, Colin Sullivan
  • 10/4 (TUE) : Beau Hye Silver, Kevin Chau, Max Praglin
  • 10/6 (THU) : Duncan Lindsay, Jeff Rowell, Micah Arvey
  • 10/11 (TUE) : Sarah Smith, Max Ryan, Alex Stabile
  • 10/13 (THU) : Timothy Wong, Danny Organ, Afrooz Family
  • 10/18 (TUE) : Aravind Arun, Lydia Zodda, David Sabeti
  • 10/20 (THU) : Derek Tingle, Helen Chavez, Andy Stuhl
  • 10/25 (TUE) : Lulu DeBoer
  • 10/27 (THU) : "Monterey Whale Watch!"
  • 11/1 (TUE) : Eri Gamo, Evan Gitterman
  • 11/3 (THU) : Mayank Sanganeria, Sidharth Kumar, Jennifer Hsu
  • 11/8 (TUE) : Calvin Wang, Abrey Mann
  • 11/10 (THU) : Joint Lecture with UMich
  • 11/15 (TUE) : JP Wright, Turenas
  • 11/17 (THU) : Chowning lecture
  • 11/29 (TUE) : Melvin Low, Sewon Jang
  • 12/1 (THU) : Francois Germain, Matt Weber, Danny Dalton