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3-D Sound Mixer


The Ball of Sound is an elegant and intuitive interface for live spatialization. Traditional mixers and other output controllers tend to limit the performer's abilities to manipulate sound configurations in real time, due to complicated layouts and configurations. The Ball of Sound (will eventually) offer multi-track spatialization in three dimensions in a stand alone or fully integrated setup.


a) Resistor Pad Design

b) Hemisphere Design

Similar Examples

[Insert Examples from David's previous research]


a) Commercialization

b) Mandatory Requirements

c) Add-Ons


1. Hollow spherical surface

2. Magnets to be placed inside/outside of the surface

3. Joystick for user control

4. Metal prong and spring

5. Raspberry Pi

6. PD Program for panning

7. Laptop for handling output of signals from Rasberry Pi


We decided to go ahead and use a joystick over a trackball, due to the joysticks ability to not only measure displacement, but also the joysticks actual position. We have yet to decide on how/what we will mount the spacializer on.