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Spatial layers

From CCRMA Wiki

Project Summary

 written by Jason Sadural (jsadural@ccrma.stanford.edu)
 comments and suggestions always welcomed

Our purpose is to create a methodology to understanding the maximum threshold of observable individual musical tracks that move rythmically in space. This research will eventually lead to the creation of an auditory canvas that we can distort perturb by stretching, bending, or even ripping. The products developed in this experiment is intended for developement of Astro-Sonification. Various psychoacoustically inspired experiments will be conducted and data will be collected through a graphical user interface developed in PD with GEM. Experiments will primarily be conducted in the Listening Room.


Experiment 1

Creating a simple example with a sound moving around audio sphere according to the graphical user interface to check consistency. For our sounds we will mainly use short bursts, claps, snaps, etc..

    • We will use a modification of pmpd/04_3D_exemple.pd which is a sphere with a mass able to roll completely around the sphere
    • We will map the location of the sphere to the spherical position controls of VBAP
    • We will test for the accuracy of ovserved position along different regions of the sphere