Coming Soon
Similar Examples
Uses accelerometer to measure tilt angle.
The Grip Maestro is similar - uses an existing object + sensors
Uses a lot of small objects for interaction
3 Lists
Things you need to have done for a minimal viable product
- Each cocktail: the drink + background track + motion/sounds
Things that you want to have done by the final deadline
- Fine tune program so that sounds produced are coherent and nice
- Target 5 cocktails
Things that would be nice to have if you had unlimited time.
- Design more cocktails
List of Materials
- Sensors
- Accelerometer
- Flex Sensor
- Hall effect sensor
- Tilt ball switch
- Alcohol and other ingredients, cups
- Electronic parts connecting sensor/clips to computer
- Bartending Kit
- Arduino + Laptop
- Background track (part of sound design)
- Connect sensor to computer
- Make sure triggering sensor makes sound
- Attach sensor to clips
- Clip on objects and experiment with them
- Refine sounds