Music 222 - Sound in Space
Project wiki pages
(Edit this page to add the link to your project wiki.)
- Example project: François Germain
- Stimmung: Interactive sculptural installation in 3D: Juan Sierra
- Elysium: Rahul Agnihotri
- Dodecahedron: Yuval Adler
- [1]: Nick Gang & Wisam Reid
- To Infinity: Graham Davis
- [2] Dipole - Anna Tskhovrebov
- Music in Motion: Tyler Sadlier
- PhoneZone: Megan Jurek
- VAmbiR: Mark Hertensteiner
- Her Name: Yuan Li
Recording groups
Group 1 (SphEAR #1)
- Megan: mjjurek@ccrma.stanford.edu
- Rahul: ragni@ccrma.stanford.edu
- Juan: juans@ccrma.stanford.edu
Group 2 (SphEAR #2)
- _Member 1_: email@email.com
- _Member 2_: email@email.com
- _Member 3_: email@email.com
Group 3 (Recorder #342334)
- Ziheng: zihengc@ccrma.stanford.edu
- Yuan: yuanyuan@ccrma.stanford.edu
Shenli: email@email.com
Group 4 (Recorder #)
- Graham: gbdavis@stanford.edu
- Mark: hert@stanford.edu
- Walker: walker@ccrma.stanford.edu
Group 5 (Recorder #342614)
- Ben Josie: bjosie@stanford.edu
- Clarissa Carter: cbsc@stanford.edu
- Tyler Sadlier: tsadlier@stanford.edu
Group 6 (Recorder #)
- Yuval Adler: adler@ccrma.stanford.edu
- Nick Gang: ngang@ccrma.stanford.edu
- Christie Dawson: cpdawson@stanford.edu
Group 7 (Recorder #003): Zoom F8 * Chan Recorder
- Victoria Grace: vgrace@stanford.edu
- Wisam Reid: wisam@ccrma.stanford.edu
- Anna Tskhovrebov : atskho@stanford.edu