From CCRMA Wiki
Good practices for the Neuromusic Lab
Lab Meetings /labmeeting
- sign up for presenting in lab meetings [1]
- Link to Picton via Stanford Library [2]
- Takako @ Stanford: Jan. 24- Feb. 7 + Feb. 21 - March 23
Lab Setup
Default Mode
- Booth tricks to display stim computer....blah
- Brush participant scalp with stiff brush
- NuPrep gel can clean each electrode site after cap is velcroed
- Sanitize the comb/brush after every use: put them in the plastic tub with warm water + 1 Tablespoon dish soap + 1 Tablespoon vinegar (under the sink). Let sit for ~1 hour before rinsing and drying. (A good time to do this is while the participant is in the booth).
- Keep connector away from water - use a ziplock bag around the connector and hook it above the paper towel dispenser.
Data Analysis
- SSP tricks