Programming Etude #3: "Wekinate Your World"
Music and AI (Music356/CS470) | Winter 2023 | by Ge Wang
In this programming etude, you are using Wekinator to create three interactive AI utilities/toys in your everyday life! These don't have to be useful; in fact, whimsical is good! Absurd is probably good! Playful is wonderful!
Due Dates
- Final Deliverable: webpage due Monday (2/27, 11:59pm)
- In-class Presentation: Tuesday (2/28)
Discord Is Our Friend
- direct any questions, rumination, outputs/interesting mistakes to our class Discord
Things to Think With
- some relevant readings (including from your Critical Response #2 assignment)
Tools to Play With
- get and play with Wekinator
- get the latest bleeding edge secret
build (2023.01.23 or later!)- macOS this will install both command line
and the graphical IDE miniAudicle, and replace any previous ChucK installation. - Windows you will need to download and use the bleeding-edge command line
(for now, there is no bleeding-edge miniAudicle for Windows); can either use the defaultcmd
command prompt, or might consider downloading a terminal emulator. - Linux you will need to build from source, provided in the
directory - all platforms for this project, you will be using the command line version of chuck.
- macOS this will install both command line
- NOTE: to return your chuck back to a pre-bleeding-edge state, you can always install the latest official ChucK release
Getting Started with Wekinator
- Wekinator (and its underlying idea of creating expressive mapping interactively and by examples to continually refine the model) can be used in many different forms:
- the Wekinator application (GUI) is designed to be used in conjunction with other software (ChucK, Pure Data, etc.), connected via the
Open Sound Control (OSC)
communication protocol- the system architecture looks like
INPUT >--(OSC)--> Wekinator app >--(OSC)--> OUTPUT
where INPUT and OUTPUT can be different softwares that communicate with Wekinator app using OSC: - INPUT: provides the input data (e.g., mouse locations, sensor data, gamepad/gametrak input, video frames) for training, updating, and playing with Wekinator models
- OUTPUT: based the output parameters of Wekinator, renders in real-time (e.g., sound synthesis, graphics rendering, parameters to control a game or hardware like waving a robot arm)
- in this approach, Wekinator app's TRAIN mode iterates between adding new observations (specific input to output examples) to training the model; Wekinator app's RUN mode predicts output based on new input
- the system architecture looks like
- the
object inChucK
allows you to work with Wekinator using code and without the need for network communicationWekinator
can TRAIN (from input-output observations) and/or RUN (predict output from new input)- or use
to load input-output observations from an ARFF file, either saved in a Wekinator project (currentData.arff) or saved usingWekinator.saveData()
- helpful in deploying a Wekinator system without using OSC; e.g., (step 1) capture observations in the Wekinator app, save the data; (step 2) load the data in the
object in ChucK, train, and run without OSC. Also maybe helpful for those wanting to deploy using WebChucK (which doesn't yet support OSC)
- the Wekinator application (GUI) is designed to be used in conjunction with other software (ChucK, Pure Data, etc.), connected via the
- for this assignment, we recommend trying both before deciding what to use for each of your three system designs
- Resources for learning and working with Wekinator
- check out some example projects people have created using Wekinator
- for a general overview of how Wekinator works, here are basic instructions
- get started with using Wekinator walkthrough
- for a more detailed reference, check out Wekinator detailed instructions
- here are additional resources for working with Wekinator examples
- sample ChucK code for Approach A (using OSC): Wekinator -> OSC -> ChucK code
- sample ChucK code for Approach B (using Wekinator object within ChucK):
object in ChucK
Your Task
- observe and identify three activities or tasks you like to "wekinate" (i.e., to design a interactive AI system for—for this assignment, keep them small)
- experiment (a lot) with different ideas (possibly more than the three you end up with)!
- of your three systems, at least one should be an expressive musical instrument using Wekinator for regression
- once again, these don't have to be useful; instead, playfulness, whimsicality, and/or expressiveness are the virtues here
- deploy these in some everyday context; feel free to involve those around you (e.g., roommates! friends! enemies!) in testing out your AI systems!
- "hey I have to do this thing for a class; would you kindly try/play/listen-to this thing..."
- for each system, create a short video showing the system in action
A Few Bad Ideas!
- Using camera input and sound output, create a day / night classifier (or sonifier)—I mean, who has time to look out the window?
- An instrument using one or more continuous input (such as mouse, gamepad, gametrak, Kinect, wiimote, VR controller with or without the VR) controlling a multi-parameter synthesis (like one of the STK instruments like Bowed)—try playing this for your roommate, or your cat (and film the performance and audience reception)
- using Wekinator's dynamic time warping, train a few audio or other gestures, and create a voice command system that does meaningless things—inject a little AI-mediated chaos into your day
- for more ideas, check out these projects (some of these are large-scale projects; for this programming etude, remember to keep the scope of your Wekinate creations small)!
- write ~300 words of reflection on your etude. It can be about your process or the products. Tell us about your attempt to deploy them.
Final Deliverables
- create a CCRMA webpage for this etude
- the URL should live at https://ccrma.stanford.edu/~YOURUSERID/356/hw3 or https://ccrma.stanford.edu/~YOURUSERID/470/hw3
- alternately, you may use Medium or another publishing platform (but please still link to that page from your CCRMA webpage)
- your webpage is to include
- a title and description of what you made (free free to link to this wiki page)
- three video recordings corresponding to your three interactive AI systems in action
- all relevant code and data files for all three systems
- brief report on how you created these
- your 300-word reflection
- any acknowledgements (people, code, or other things that helped you through this)
- submit to Canvas only your webpage URL