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Revision as of 23:22, 28 September 2007 by Kolar (talk | contribs)


  • What is "terminal" and how do I use it?

Terminal is a way to type commands to the Linux operating system, to navigate between directories ("folders"), copy files, run programs, and do many other useful things.

To open a terminal, right-click the mouse anywhere on the screen and select "New Terminal".

A terminal will open, and a command line prompt will appear that identifies the computer (cmn#), your login name and the working directory, which is the location in the directory structure from which you are navigating. After the prompt, you can type commands.

For example, you can navigate around the file system by using the "change directory" command: cd pd-lab will navigate into your pd-lab directory.

If you want to see your current location in the directory structure, type: pwd which stands for "print working directory".

If you want to see what files and folders are in the working directory, type the "list" command: ls

  • How do I copy files from the course directory into my project directory?

In a terminal, you can use Linux commands (based on Unix commands, tutorial:[1]) to copy files.

The copy command, cp, allows you to make a copy of one file to whatever location you specify.

For example, if you have a project directory called "pd-lab" and you want to copy the "straightWire" Pd patch from the course examples directory, after the command prompt you would type exactly (including spaces):

cp /usr/ccrma/web/html/courses/220a-fall-2007/pd/straightWire.pd .

The period at the end indicates the location where the file will be copied is the working directory.