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Gigaflow TeleImmersion Project


Networks such as Internet2 are scaling up to astonishing capacities. Where demonstrated real-time, interactive, uncompressed flows have been in the "centi-flow" range for audio and recently support 4k video, the Gigaflow project envisions a near future with several orders of magnitude greater number of interactive channels combining these and other interaction modalities. Collaborative applications explored in our Expedition in Computing will transcend the present state-of-the-art from "almost like being there" to "better than being there." The team is prepared to couple upgrades in raw network power and media fidelity with research in perception, synthesis and prediction.



Gigaflow proposes to examine and implement three work programs (WP) which will be interconnected to form the final Gigaflow high-quality high-definition framework.

WP1 - Emergence

WP2 - Prediction

WP3 - Control


