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This instrument play intervals. The tilting of the laptop controls the intensity of each note (tilting front or back play the root note and tilting to the sides play the "interval" note). The sound is played trough a LeSLOrklie speaker (it rotates around the Hemi at an adjustable spin frequency).




  • Using a terminal go to the folder were "" is located
  • On the terminal window type: (replace N with the number of output channels of the audio card)
    chuck -cN intervalis
  • Play!


  1. Select the root note by using 2nd and 3rd rows of the keyboard (from Tab & CAPS to ] & RETURN). See root note selection for details
  2. Select interval using the numbers (1 to 8)
  3. Play notes by tilting the laptop
  4. Optional:

Key mapping

Root note selection
F4# G4 G4# A4 A4# B4 C5 C5# D5 D5# E5 F5 F5# G5 G5# A5 A5# B5 C6 C6# D6 D6# E6
TAB CAPS Q A W S D R F T G H U J I K O L ; [ ' ]
Interval selection

Number keys from 1 to 8

Interval quality selection
  • M (Major/Perfect)
  • N (Minor/Tritone)

(no diminished or augmented)

Other control keys
Parameter Decrease Increase
Register , .
Detune 9 0
Spin frequency Arrow Left Arrow Right
Number of harmonics (timber) Arrow Down Arrow Up
Mute keys
Key Mutes ...
SPACE BAR Both notes
Left SHIFT Root note
Right SHIFT Interval note

Advanced users

ChucK Code

If you just want to look at the code, here it is:

// filename:
// INTERVALIS - Play intervals
// MUSIC 128 - HW1
// By: Jorge Herrera

10 => int _init_harmonics; 	 // Control over the intial timbre
1 => float _init_spin_freq;	 // LeSLOrklie initial speed [Hz]
2 => int numChan; 		 // LeSLOrklie is implemented over this many channels
440 => float _a440; 		 // frequency associated to the A key
0 => int _init_quality;          // Initial quality of the interval (0 -> Major, 1 -> minor)
5 => int _init_interval;         // Initial interval
0.15 => float _tilt_threshold;   // [0 - 1): threshold for silence (mute) level 


// safety checks
if(_tilt_threshold >= 1) 0.999 => _tilt_threshold;

// The synthesis
Blit tonic => PitShift choir => JCRev rev => PoleZero mainOut;
Blit interval => choir;

// Synth. initialization
_a440 => tonic.freq;
_init_harmonics => tonic.harmonics => interval.harmonics;
0 => tonic.gain => interval.gain;
0.12 => rev.mix;
1.0 => choir.shift;
0.2 => choir.mix;

// Interval definition array:
int intervals[2][8];

// Major&Perfect intervals (defined in semitones)
0 => intervals[0][0];
2 => intervals[0][1];
4 => intervals[0][2];
5 => intervals[0][3];
7 => intervals[0][4];
9 => intervals[0][5];
11 => intervals[0][6];
12 => intervals[0][7];

// Minor&Tritone intervals (defined in semitones)
0 => intervals[1][0];
1 => intervals[1][1];
3 => intervals[1][2];
5 => intervals[1][3];
6 => intervals[1][4]; /* m5 == tritone */
8 => intervals[1][5];
10 => intervals[1][6];
12 => intervals[1][7];

// Interval initialization
0 => float tonicTarget;
_init_quality => int gQuality; /* 0 = major, 1 = minor */
_init_interval - 1 => int gInterval => float intervalTarget;
updateInterval(gQuality, gInterval);

// Flags to determine if the sounds are muted
0 => int tonicMuted => int intervalMuted;


* The "LeSLOrklie"
_init_spin_freq => float spinFreq;
Gain outGains[numChan];

fun void spin() {
    for(0 => int i; i<numChan; i++)
        mainOut => outGains[i] => dac.chan(i);
    0 => float angle;
    0.001 => float step;      // must be in seconds
    while(step::second => now)
        2.0*Math.PI*spinFreq*step +=> angle;
        for(0 => int i; i<numChan; i++) {
            (Math.sin(angle + (2*Math.PI*i)$float/numChan) + 
            1.0)/2.0 => outGains[i].gain;


// infinite while loop
fun void getMotion()
    // instantiate a HidIn object
    Hid accel;
    HidMsg movementMsg;
    // open tilt sensor
    if( !accel.openTiltSensor() ) {
        <<< "", "tilt sensor unavailable", "" >>>;
    // print
    <<< "", "tilt sensor ready", "" >>>;
    while( true )
        // poll the tilt sensor, expect to get back 3 element array of 
        // (9 for now means accelerometer, 0 selects 0th accelerometer) 9, 0, movementMsg );
        if( !tonicMuted ) {
            //<<< movementMsg.x, movementMsg.y, movementMsg.z >>>;
            if(Math.fabs(movementMsg.y$float/300.0) < _tilt_threshold) 0 => tonicTarget;
        else (Math.fabs(movementMsg.y$float/300.0) - _tilt_threshold)/(1 - _tilt_threshold) => tonicTarget;

if( !intervalMuted ) {
    if(Math.fabs(movementMsg.x$float/300.0) < _tilt_threshold) 0 => intervalTarget;
else (Math.fabs(movementMsg.x$float/300.0) - _tilt_threshold)/(1 - _tilt_threshold) => intervalTarget;
// advance time
50::ms => now;

// Smooth gain changes 
fun void rampGains()
    .5 => float slew;
    while(20::ms => now) {
        (tonicTarget - tonic.gain())*slew + tonic.gain() => tonic.gain;
        (intervalTarget - interval.gain())*slew + interval.gain() => 


// infinite event loop
fun void getKeys()
    Hid hiKbd;
    HidMsg msgKbd;
    // which keyboard
    0 => int device;
    // get from command line
    if( me.args() ) me.arg(0) => Std.atoi => device;
    // open keyboard (get device number from command line)
    if( !hiKbd.openKeyboard( device ) ) me.exit();
    <<< "", "keyboard '" + + "' ready", "" >>>;
    0 => int gRegister;
    while( true )
        // wait on event
        hiKbd => now;
        // get one or more messages
        while( hiKbd.recv( msgKbd ) )
            // check for action type
            if( msgKbd.isButtonDown() )
                //<<< "", "down:", msgKbd.which, "(code)", msgKbd.key, "(usb key)", msgKbd.ascii, "(ascii)" >>>;
                //<<< "", "down:", msgKbd.which >>>;
                // Effect keys
                // Spin frequency control
                if(msgKbd.which == 79) {
                    0.2 +=> spinFreq;
                if(msgKbd.which == 80 && spinFreq > 0.0000000001) {
                    0.2 -=> spinFreq;
                // Harmonics control
                if(msgKbd.which == 81 && tonic.harmonics() > 0) {
                    tonic.harmonics() - 1 => tonic.harmonics;
                    interval.harmonics() - 1 => interval.harmonics;
                    if(tonic.harmonics() < 5) {
                        <<< "***** ", tonic.harmonics(), " harmonics  *****" >>>; 
                if(msgKbd.which == 82) {
                    tonic.harmonics() + 1 => tonic.harmonics;
                    interval.harmonics() + 1 => interval.harmonics;
                    if(tonic.harmonics() < 5) {
                        <<< "***** ", tonic.harmonics(), " harmonics  *****" >>>; 
                // PitShift
                if(msgKbd.which == 38 && choir.shift() > 0.8) {
                    choir.shift() - 0.01 => choir.shift;
                    if(choir.shift() == 1.0)
                        <<< "***** IN TUNE  *****" >>>; 
                if(msgKbd.which == 39 && choir.shift() < 1.2) {
                    choir.shift() + 0.01 => choir.shift;
                    if(choir.shift() == 1.0)
                        <<< "***** IN TUNE  *****" >>>; 
                // Interval selection
                if(msgKbd.which >= 30 && msgKbd.which <= 37) {
                    msgKbd.which - 30 => gInterval;
                // Octave change
                // ","
                if(msgKbd.which == 54) {
                    2 /=> _a440;
                    tonic.freq()/2 => tonic.freq;
                    gRegister - 1 => gRegister;
                    <<< "Register: ", gRegister >>>;
                // "."
                if(msgKbd.which == 55) {
                    2 *=> _a440;
                    tonic.freq()*2 => tonic.freq;
                    gRegister + 1 => gRegister;
                    <<< "Register: ", gRegister >>>;
                // Base pitch selection
                if(msgKbd.which == 43) { // tab = F#
                    _a440*Math.pow(2,-3/12.0) => tonic.freq;
                if(msgKbd.which == 57) { // CAPS = G
                    _a440*Math.pow(2,-2/12.0) => tonic.freq;
                if(msgKbd.which == 20) { // Q = G#
                    _a440*Math.pow(2,-1/12.0) => tonic.freq;
                if(msgKbd.which == 4) {
                    _a440*Math.pow(2,0/12.0) => tonic.freq;
                if(msgKbd.which == 26) {
                    _a440*Math.pow(2,1/12.0) => tonic.freq;
                if(msgKbd.which == 22) {
                    _a440*Math.pow(2,2/12.0) => tonic.freq;
                if(msgKbd.which == 7) {
                    _a440*Math.pow(2,3/12.0) => tonic.freq;
                if(msgKbd.which == 21) {
                    _a440*Math.pow(2,4/12.0) => tonic.freq;
                if(msgKbd.which == 9) {
                    _a440*Math.pow(2,5/12.0) => tonic.freq;
                if(msgKbd.which == 23) {
                    _a440*Math.pow(2,6/12.0) => tonic.freq;
                if(msgKbd.which == 10) {
                    _a440*Math.pow(2,7/12.0) => tonic.freq;
                if(msgKbd.which == 11) {
                    _a440*Math.pow(2,8/12.0) => tonic.freq;
                if(msgKbd.which == 24) {
                    _a440*Math.pow(2,9/12.0) => tonic.freq;
                if(msgKbd.which == 13) {
                    _a440*Math.pow(2,10/12.0) => tonic.freq;
                if(msgKbd.which == 12) {
                    _a440*Math.pow(2,11/12.0) => tonic.freq;
                if(msgKbd.which == 14) {
                    _a440*Math.pow(2,12/12.0) => tonic.freq;
                if(msgKbd.which == 18) {
                    _a440*Math.pow(2,13/12.0) => tonic.freq;
                if(msgKbd.which == 15) {
                    _a440*Math.pow(2,14/12.0) => tonic.freq;
                if(msgKbd.which == 51) {
                    _a440*Math.pow(2,15/12.0) => tonic.freq;
                if(msgKbd.which == 47) { // "[" = C#
                    _a440*Math.pow(2,16/12.0) => tonic.freq;
                if(msgKbd.which == 52) { // "'" = D
                    _a440*Math.pow(2,17/12.0) => tonic.freq;
                if(msgKbd.which == 48) { // "]" = D#
                    _a440*Math.pow(2,18/12.0) => tonic.freq;
                if(msgKbd.which == 40) { // RETURN = E 
                    _a440*Math.pow(2,19/12.0) => tonic.freq;
                // Major(perfect) || minor(tritone) gQuality selection
                if(msgKbd.which == 16) {
                    0 => gQuality;
                    <<< "", "Major mode" >>>;
                if(msgKbd.which == 17) {
                    1 => gQuality;
                    <<< "", "Minor mode" >>>;
                updateInterval(gQuality, gInterval);
                // Mute controls
                // Space bar mute both sounds
                if(msgKbd.which == 44) {
                    1 => tonicMuted => intervalMuted;
                    0 => tonicTarget => intervalTarget;
                // Left shift mute root (tonic) note
                if(msgKbd.which == 225) {
                    1 => tonicMuted;
                    0 => tonicTarget;
                // Right shift mute the interval note
                if(msgKbd.which == 229) {
                    1 => intervalMuted;
                    0 => intervalTarget;
            // check for action type
            if( msgKbd.isButtonUp() )
                // Mute controls
                // Space bar mute both sounds
                if(msgKbd.which == 44) {
                    0 => tonicMuted => intervalMuted;
                // Left shift mute root (tonic) note
                if(msgKbd.which == 225) {
                    0 => tonicMuted;
                // Right shift mute the interval note
                if(msgKbd.which == 229) {
                    0 => intervalMuted;

fun void updateInterval(int m, int i)
    Math.pow(2,intervals[m][i]/12.0)*tonic.freq() => interval.freq;


// infinite event loop
fun void receiveOSC()
    // create our OSC receiver
    OscRecv recv;
    // use port 6449 (or whatever)
    6449 => recv.port;
    // start listening (launch thread)
    // create an address in the receiver, store in new variable
    recv.event( "/message, s i s s" ) @=> OscEvent @ oe;
    while( true )
        // wait for event to arrive
        oe => now;
        // grab the next message from the queue. 
        while( oe.nextMsg() )
            string _base;
            int _interval;
            string _quality;
            string _tilt;
            // getFloat fetches the expected float (as indicated by "i f")
            oe.getString() => _base;
            oe.getInt() => _interval;
            oe.getString() => _quality;
            oe.getString() => _tilt;
            // print
            <<< "", "" >>>;
            <<< "*********** NEW MESSAGE RECEIVED ************", ""             >>>;
            <<< "Root key", _base >>>;
            <<< "Interval", _interval >>>;
            <<< "Quality", _quality >>>;
            <<< "Tilt", _interval >>>;

fun void printInstructions()
    <<< "", "" >>>;
    <<< "", "" >>>;
    <<< "", "This instrument play intervals, where the gain relationship" >>>;
    <<< "", "between the 2 playing pitches is controlled by the performer"  >>>;
    <<< "", "using the tilt sensor." >>>;
    <<< "", "" >>>;
    <<< "", "There is separate control over the pitch, using the keyboard." >>>;
    <<< "", "" >>>;
    <<< "", "- Use keys [ A - L ] as a piano keyboard starting at A (pitch) = A (key)" >>>;
    <<< "", "- Use numbers to set the interval (1: Prime, 2: Second, ..., 8: Octave)" >>>;
    <<<	"", "- Use keys M (major/perfect) & N (minor/tritone) to control the quality of the interval" >>>;
    <<< "", "- Use UP/DOWN arrow keys to change the number of harmonics of the sound"  >>>;
    <<< "", "- Use LEFT/RIGHT arrow keys to change speed of rotation of the 'LeSLOrklie'" >>>;
    <<< "", "- To change octave use ',' (down) or '.' (up)" >>>;
    <<< "", "- '9' & '0' play with de-tuning" >>>;
    <<< "", "- Use 'space bar' or 'shift keys' to mute the sounds" >>>;

// Run the threads
spork ~ getMotion();		// Get motion input
spork ~ getKeys();			// Get keyboard input
spork ~ spin();				// Make the sound spee
spork ~ rampGains();		// Make the gain ratio change smooth
spork ~ receiveOSC();       // Listen to OSC messages


// The infinite loop
    100::ms => now;