Making a Wii remote talk to Pure Data (PD)

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Making a Wii remote talk to PD could be fun. You have a pretty-accurate/not-over-sensitive accelerometer inside a Wii remote. Also, there are a bunch of LEDs and a pager motor (vibrator) inside the Wii that can be used for a lot of fancy purposes. In this guide, we assume that you are running Ubuntu on the Beagleboard. You need a bluetooth dongle to let the Beagleboard and the Wii remote pair with each other. To finish this task, we need to install a bunch of Ubuntu packages and PD patches.


Making sure the devices are in place

1) Plug in the dongle into the Beagleboard. Ubuntu should detect the dongle automatically and supply it with the necessary drivers. Check the status of the dongle with the command lsusb. If lsusb is not installed, you should run the command sudo apt-get install lsusb. Once the package is installed, run the command lsusb just to make sure the dongle plugged into the computer.

2) Install the bluez package: We do the same as we did in step 1 to install packages.

3) bluez installs a program called hcitool, which is basically a bluetooth device scanner. Once you run this program, you should get an output something like this:

00:22:41:CB:1C:D3 cmn53 00:22:41:FF:4C:53 Jimmy Sago's MacBook Pro 8C:56:C5:53:9C:B2 Nintendo RVL-CNT-01 5C:59:48:CE:97:2C Creando’s MacBook Pro