Satellite CCRMA (Alpha Release)

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Here we provide instructions for getting the alpha version of Satellite CCRMA up and running.

Required Hardware

  • 4GB SD card or larger
  • Two GT Max adjustable-length USB cables
  • Ethernet cable
  • 2.5A 5V switching power adaptor (For example DVE DSA-15P-05 US)
  • Solderless breadboard

Note: Yes, both the host USB connector (for communication) and client USB connector (for power) on the Beagleboard are connected to the hub!

Powering Up For The First Time

Plug the power cable from the 5V supply into the hub. You will see some lights turn on, flickering every now and then. This means that Satellite CCRMA is booting up.

How To Connect

On this page, we explain how to connect to Satellite CCRMA over the Ethernet cable.

Mac OS X

Go to System Preferences, select Network, and choose the Ethernet module. Write down your current settings in case you think that you might need them in the future. (For example, if you use Ethernet to connect to the Internet in your dormitory, you probably want to save these settings for when you go home.) Now change your Ethernet settings to the following:

  • Configure: Manually
  • IP Address:
  • Subnet Mask:

The remaining items such as Router, DNS Server, and Search Domains can be left blank for now, and click the Apply button in the bottom right to apply the settings.

If your laptop is currently connected to the Internet using some method other than Ethernet: It can be convenient to enable the Beagleboard to get onto the Internet. Go back to System Preferences and choose Sharing. Edit the settings so that your Internet connection is shared with the Ethernet port. In order to do this, you may have to disable Internet Sharing temporarily. Finally, click the Internet Sharing checkbox to enable this option.

You will use the Terminal program to login to Satellite CCRMA over the Ethernet connection. It should be inside the Utilities folder inside of Applications.

Now open up a window in Terminal. Your Satellite CCRMA board should choose the IP address To check that it is visible type the command ping, and see how fast the network response is. Once you are satisfied, hit Control-C to quit ping. Then, to finally login to Satellite CCRMA, type

ssh -X ccrma@ The password should be temppwd.

Windows 7

<No instructions yet, but it should be analogous to the examples for other operating systems.>


Instructions for Ubuntu 10.04 Netbook Remix:

  • Run ifconfig in a terminal and look for your wired ethernet device. It will probably be called "eth0". Copy down the value next to HWaddr.
  • Go to "System" -> "Network Connections".
  • Under the "Wired" tab of the dialog that opens click "Add".
  • Set the "Connection name" to something logical, like CCRMA Satellite. Paste the value you copied from HWAddress in the "MAC address" box.
  • Click the "IPv4 Settings" tab. Change "Method" to "Manual". Next to "Addresses" click "Add". In the "Address" column type "". In the "Netmask" column type "". Click "Apply".
  • In the notification area on your desktop panel, click the NetworkManager Applet icon. Select the connection you just created. You now should be able to ssh into the board by typing "ssh -X ccrma@" in a terminal.

For internet connection sharing, this link might help (I haven't tried it yet):

Test Run

Try issuing some of the following commands to explore the possibilities enabled by Satellite CCRMA:

  • qjackctl & (Opens up a GUI for starting the Jack audio server)
  • pd & (Starts pure data extended, an environment for graphical programming for sound synthesis)
  • ls /dev/tty* (To verify that the Arduino Nano is showing up on /dev/ttyUSB0)
  • arduino & (Starts the Arduino software for programming the Arduino Nano microcontroller attached via USB)
  • Explore employing Faust to automatically generate audio DSP code in a variety of environments.
    • For instance, you could use the Arduino software to install some default firmware. It can be found under File|Examples|Firmata|StandardFirmata.

Halt Your Board When Finished!

When you are finished, it is probably best to shut down Satellite CCRMA by issuing the command sudo halt, just as you would shut down a linux desktop machine. This ensures that any data that is scheduled to be written to the SD card is written right away.