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9/28 Chris Chafe, Ensembles, Basic Guidelines
- Chris Chafe, Director of CCRMA
- Staff Intros
- Facilities Guidelines
- Ensembles
10/5 Academic Guidelines, New Student Presentations, Dinner
Academic Programs and Guidelines by Tricia Schroeter
New students have 5 minutes to introduce themselves the CCRMA Community and talk about the type of research and creating they have done or are interested in doing. Delicious dinner from Mediterranean Wraps ($5 donation requested).
10/12 Jonathan Berger and Christopher Willits
10/19 Computing Resources at CCRMA, Mark Applebaum, Andrea Agostini
10/26 Computing Resources at CCRMA, Edgar Berhdal
11/02 Max Lab and Bay Area Prototyping Resources, Drupal, CMS, Craig Sapp and eleanor Selfridge-Field , Ge Wang
11/09 Studios D and E, Digital Mixers, Marina Bosi
11/16 IPL/Studio C, Jaroslaw Kapuscinski, Jonathan Abel
11/30 Events and Concerts, Stage Use, Bruno Ruviaro, Tom Rossing
12/07 Listening Room, Fernando Lopez-Lezzcano, Julius Smith