User:Francois/Solar Genesis II
Solar Genesis II is a piece that I will be developing during the Music 220C class. This piece follows my compositions for the Music 220A class, Heliocentric Harmony, and for the Music 220B class, Solar Genesis I.
Project history and inspiration
Heliocentric harmony
This first part of this project, leading to the production of Heliocentric Harmony was the sonification of some concepts of the Harmony of the Spheres discussed in the texts by Pythagoras and Kepler. The system consisted in a solar system where each planet was playing a particular note when an eclipse was happening.
Solar Genesis I
Solar Genesis I was the first attempt to extend Heliocentric Harmony into a full piece, based on a fictional storyline of the life of the solar system. The piece consists in three main parts picturing the birth, life and death of the sun. The main component is an improvised piano piece on a Disklavier. The MIDI messages were used to control the progression of a computer-generated accompaniement and a visual part. The three component are used to create and reinforce the affects related to each part of the piece.
Project objectives
Solar Genesis II is meant to develop the ideas expressed in Solar Genesis I, and especially its affect.
Instrumental Piece
The instrumental piece is meant to feature a duet between the piano (Disklavier) and another instrument played or simulated. The piece will be written with the assistance of Prof. Aquilanti.
Computer Music Accompaniement
The computer music program is meant to play sound sequences clarifying and reinforcing the emotions conveyed by the instrumental piece. The triggering process implemented in Solar Genesis I will be complexified. An alternative triggering event will be investigated for the solar system since the present one has been too difficult for the public to understand.
The visualization already developed for Heliocentric Harmony and Solar Genesis I is meant to evolve into a 3D visualization. Challenges in this process are to develop a new point of view from the 3D perspective since the video won't anymore show the whole system so we would like to avoid empty screens.
April 10
- Demonstration of the WFS system in the Listening room and the Fantasia video in class.
April 12
- First discussion about the piece with Prof. Aquilanti. The other instrument will probably be a cello.