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Jiffer Harriman 220c page

Week 2 - 4/16/2012

Gathering Parts

I've been collecting components and some tools to begin construction. - Tactile Transducer - T-amp Lap steel components: - 2x6 hardwood (Red Wood "heart") - tuning pegs

Still need a guitar pickup - there's lots of cheap single coils on ebay which I'll probably go for.


I found a cheap electric guitar (plus a bonus amp) on Craigslist for $50. The plan is to begin hacking it up and attach a voice coil to it.

Week 1 - 4/9/2012 - Initial Project Plan

Ideas and goals

My initial plan was to expand the performance system I developed for 220b which became [Pickin' On Chuck]. For this the dialog between performer and computer was the area I felt most lacking and hoped to improve upon.

I also am interested in exploring the use of tactile transducers to reproduce sound. I used these some in my 255 intermedia final project with a piece of plywood and sheet-metal mounted in a picture frame. What I really want to do is put these in a musical instrument and explore the possibilities. This concept has been inspired by a couple of instruments I am aware of created by [Dan Overholt]: [[ http://www.create.ucsb.edu/~dano/violin/ Overtone Violin]] [Overtone Fiddle]

To complicate matters further, I have been meeting with Bill Verplank to talk about his work with ["The Plank"], as a small scale, affordable haptic device for musical instruments.

To focus this a little bit I am going to begin by starting with explore possibilities of an actuated instrument using tactile transducers. I have acquired a couple different flavors of these from Parts Express. The [puck] and the [sound exciter]. These are basically the same thing except for the weight, and probably coil construction, which give them different frequency responses. These can be driven with a fairly inexpensive [digital T-Amp].

Current Plan

My current plan is to build a lap steel guitar based on the [plans] available from BuildYourGuitar.com. Near the bridge will be mounted a tactile transducer, most likely the "Puck" since it seems to have more weight and I believe will be mounted more sturdily. I would like to be able to use the voice coil to put energy into the strings of the guitar to provide a means for mechanical feedback as well as explore other possibilities such as exciting harmonics. Depending how long the construction takes, I would love to mount a Plank on this instrument for control.

Next Step

Next step is to make a shopping list and start getting all the parts I need for construction of the instrument.