Music 250a Lab Video Wiki
Music 250a - Autumn 2012
Lab 1: Making Music with Pd
Romain Michon [Simple Granular Synth]
Chris Beachy [FM Synth]
Beau Silver [Keyboard Play 1] - [Keyboard Play 2]
Afrooz Family [Lab 1 Writeup]
Evan Gitterman [Experimenting with PD]
Jimmy Tobin [Lab1]
Lab 2: Arduino & Sensors
Eoin Callery [Light and Bend Sensor]
Beau Silver [Button Drum Machine]
Jennifer Hsu [Feedback FM+]
Myles Borins [FM experimentation]
Matt Alexander [FM Modulated Synth]
Romain Michon [Clarinet Physical Model]
Tim O'Brien [Squeezebox]
Priya Shekar [BeatTrip]
Cecilia Wu [FM Duet] with the password cecilia
Ivan Naranjo [Multiple Sines + FM]
Yoo Hsiu Yeh [Everybody Talks]
Evan Gitterman [Accelerometer LFO Synth]
Chris Beachy [Force Sensor Sine Wave]
Sarah Smith [Force controlled ADSR]
Ilias Karim [Scales]
Alice Fang [Modrum]
Helen Chavez [Weird Sounds: Phasors/Sine Waves]
Jimmy Tobin [Under Pressure]
Lulu DeBoer "the clicker" [[1]]
Erin Baumann [[2]]
Lab 3: Firmware Programming
Beau Silver [Air Piano]
Eoin Callery [Angry Animal]
Tim O'Brien [Guitars, sampled]
Jennifer Hsu [things]
Sarah Smith [FM Modulated FM]
Iván Naranjo [Filtered Noise + Delayed Pick up mic on Computer]
Myles Borins [Bellaccelerometer]
Helen Chavez [FM Synth Play]
Romain Michon [Voice Synthesizer]
Cecilia Wu [Crazy knob] password cecilia
Evan Gitterman [FFT & FM Kazoo]
Yoo Hsiu Yeh [Happy Halloween]
Jimmy Tobin [Dancing Flex Sensor]
Chris Beachy [Chord Tunerator]
Ilias Karim [[3]]
Priya Shekar BeatTrip v3
Erin Baumann [4]
Matt Alexander [Bells]
Lab 4: Haptics
Lulu DeBoer [Pink Pluck]
Jennifer Hsu [.-#~!£$pluuuuuuuuck$£!~#-.]
Myles Borins [how I learned to stop worrying and love haptic feedback]
Tim O'Brien [Lumpy String]
Beau Silver [Wind Chime]
Iván Naranjo [guiro?/PluckedString?]
Helen Chavez [Door Bells (playing with scales)]
Erin Baumann [(Lab 4)]
Romain Michon [Karplus-Strong Harp]
Cecilia Wu [Bouncing Threshold] password cecilia
Evan Gitterman [Scratchfader]
Alice Fang [Mary Christmas]
Lab 5: Gesture, Audio & Graphics
Lab 6: Mini-Instrument
Music 250a - Autumn 2011
Lab 2: Arduino & Sensors
- Lab 2 instructions
Jacob Wittenberg [video]
John Granzow [video]
Kevin Ho [video]
Hongchang Choi [video]
Joel Sadler [Thriller fo the FrakenSine~]
Pankaj Sharma [Electric Tambura]
Ben Broer [ReverBrain]
Remington Wong [video]
Evan Lee [video]
Jeff Rowell [video]
Derek Mendez [flex resistor]
Derek Tingle [accelerometer controlled frequency modulator]
Lab 3: Firmware Programming
- Lab 3 instructions
Hongchan Choi [video]
Jacob Wittenberg [video]
John Granzow [ligeti poem/cowell rhythmicon]
Pankaj Sharma [video]
Remington Wong [video]
Joel Sadler [throat synthesizer]
Kevin Ho [Drum Machine]
Ben Broer [video]
Derek Mendez [video]
Derek Tingle [video]
Evan Lee [video]
Lab 4: Haptics
- Lab 4 instructions
Pankaj Sharma [video]
Jacob Wittenberg [video]
John Granzow [video]
Hongchan Choi [video]
Remington Wong [video]
Joel Sadler [Haptic Claw]
Kevin Ho [video]
Ben Broer [video]
Evan Lee [video]
Derek Tingle [video]
Lab 5: Gesture, Audio & Graphics
- Lab 5 instructions
Hongchan Choi [video]
Ben Broer [video]
Remington Wong [video]
Pankaj Sharma [video]
Evan Lee [video]
Jacob Wittenberg [video]
John Granzow [video]
Derek Tingle [video]
Joel Sadler [Musical Hammer]
Lab 6: Mini-Instrument
- Lab 6 instructions]
Remington Wong [video]
Ben Broer [video]
Kevin Ho [video]
Evan Lee [video]
Pankaj Sharma [video]
Jacob Wittenberg [video]
John Granzow [video]
Derek Tingle [IR Baton]
joel Sadler [Sonic Brush] [musical painting example]