Romain Michon 250B
First Ideas on Final Project (01/27/2013)
Global View
The idea is to create a space where several static microphones (4 ?) would pick-up the sound happening in the room and would send their signal to a structure that would act a sound processor. The processed sound would be then played back with speakers.
The structure I'm thinking about is an open cube made of a metal frame where many springs would be stretched at different positions. One extremity of every springs would be fasten to a transducer and the other extremity to a piezo. The idea would be that the sound produced by the transducer would be carried to the piezo by the spring that would modify the spectral content of the sound.
The signal from the microphones could be first received by an multi channel audio interface connected to a small computer (BeagleBoard?) that would route the signal to one spring or another. It would also be interesting to process the sound on the computer and to associate a specific sound effect to each spring. A kikect could be used to detect the position of a person in the installation space and could control to which spring the sound would be sent. Finally, we could use a 4 channel playback system that would allow to spatialize the sound better.
The Cube Frame
The cube's frame would be based on square metal bar structure whose dimension has yet to be defined. Would a cube or