John Granzow 250B

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Revision as of 19:57, 27 January 2013 by Granzow (Talk | contribs)

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Some ideas

This was an initial idea to use an air valve as a mixer, setting in motion a race function between the roundness of the room and the inflation rate (pop time) of the balloon. A microphone would record the burst inside the elastomeric room and deliver a reverb, that might be scaled down to predecit responses of much larger rooms under similar distortions.

Room/impulse race: IMG 1654.JPG

This idea is to advance the evolving daxophone. This mutant splits its voice over four channels into separate horn drivers, filtered by silicone vocal tract models. The models are modular so participants can modify the quadripthong.

Fourked tongue : IMG 1677.JPG

Splitwire copper Lentils : Splitwire.jpg