Satellite CCRMA Windows
From CCRMA Wiki
This page explains how to connect to Satellite CCRMA from a Windows machine.
Windows 7
- First, connect Satellite CCRMA to your laptop via the Ethernet connector. If you don't have one, ask us for a USB to Ethernet adaptor.
- Ideally, your laptop should be connected to the Internet through a different connection other than Ethernet. Since it will be good to have your Satellite CCRMA to have access to the Internet, the idea is to share your current Internet connection, which will probably be a wireless network connection. To do so, go again to Control Panel\Network and Internet\Network Connections, right-click on Wireless Network Connection and click Properties. Switch to the Sharing tab, and check the box saying Allow other network users to connect through this computer's Internet connection. Then, in Home networking connection select Local Area Connection'.' (Note: Depending on your version of Windows, you may have to do something slightly different. Don't worry if you don't figure it out -- we can help out in lab. Also, if you are using Windows 7 Starter Edition, it will not be possible to share your Internet connection.)
- Then you will need to get X Windows to login to Satellite CCRMA through the Ethernet connection.:
- If you are not already using Cygwin, we recommend downloading and installing Putty and XMING (to do the X11 forwarding). This is significantly faster to install than Cygwin. More instructions on how to use X11 with Putty are here.
- If you prefer to use Cygwin instead, which takes much longer to install, then follow these instructions instead: X Windows is included in the current Cygwin/X distribution. (Cygwin/X installer can be downloaded from [1].) Choose only the required packages from Cygwin are openssh and xinit.
- Go to Control Panel\Network and Internet\Network Connections (or Control Panel\Network and Sharing Center), right-click on Local Area Network (or Local Area Connection) and go to Properties. Select Internet Protocol Version 4, and click on Properties. There, manually configure:
IP Address:
Subnet Mask:
Leave the remaining items as they are.
- Now open the XWin Server application. Run the command
export DISPLAY=:0.0
Your Satellite CCRMA kit should choose the IP address To login to Satellite CCRMA, type
"ssh -XY ccrma@"
The password should be temppwd.
Windows Troubleshooting
- If when you run pd &, pd is unable to forward a window to your laptop, then you should first run pkill pd to quit pd. Then, make sure that you followed all of the steps above. If that still doesn't work, then try running the following command remotely on Satellite CCRMA before running pd &:
export DISPLAY=
- If you are still having difficulty, please ask the teaching staff for help.
- Maybe also try looking at this link.