128-spring-2013/ChucK Tutorial 1
You'll want to start by downloading miniAudicle, which is an integrated development environment designed for ChucK (available for Mac, Windows, and Linux): http://chuck.stanford.edu/release/. Open miniAudicle, click "Start Virtual Machine", and start chucking!
Example Code
- Part 0 (hello world): helloworld.ck
- Part 1 (volume, frequency, duration): part1.ck
- Part 2 (for-loop sequence): part2.ck
- Part 3 (array of notes): part3.ck
- Part 4 (parallel melodies): part4.ck
Helpful Links
- ChucK main website: http://chuck.stanford.edu/
- All varieties of example ChucK code: http://chuck.stanford.edu/doc/examples/
- Unit Generator Reference: http://chuck.stanford.edu/doc/program/ugen.html -- the building blocks of every ChucK program
- General ChucK Language Reference: http://chuck.stanford.edu/doc/language/
- Table of MIDI note numbers, Pitches, and Frequencies: http://www.phys.unsw.edu.au/jw/notes.html
Further Reading
- Graham Coleman's "Notes on ChucK for Music": http://www.dtic.upf.edu/~gcoleman/chuck/tutorial/tutorial.html
- One-Line ChucK Crazy: http://electro-music.com/forum/topic-13512-100.html