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Center for Computer Research in Music and Acoustics

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Jiyeh (2006) Jonathan Berger

program notes

Jiyeh is a small coastal town in Lebanon built upon the ancient city of Porphyreon, which is said to be the place where a giant fish delivered Jonah to the shore.

On July 14th 2006 a coastal power station in Jiyeh was attacked in an Israeli air strike causing over 20,000 tons of oil to spill into the Mediterranean Sea. Although there has been relatively little information regarding the ecological impact of this maassive spill a series of sattelite photos show the dispersion pattern of the oil. These patterns appear as Baroque-like ornaments that distort the contour of the Lebanese coast line. The music represents the evolution of these patterns and providing an auditory display of the enormity of this disaster.


Jonathan Berger is a composer and researcher. Berger's research includes developing methods and tools for effective auditory display of complex data. His recent recording of chamber music for strings will be released this Spring by Naxos recordings on their American Masters series.

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