Ambisonics and Impulse Response

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Revision as of 01:13, 9 December 2006 by Jsadural (Talk | contribs) (Project Summary)

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Project Summary

 written by Jason Sadural (
 comments and suggestions always welcomed

Our first steps is to recreate the sound field of a specific room and recreate it in the CCRMA Stanford listening room. Our challenge begins with our spherical speaker configuration and what format of data, encoders, and decoders to choose from. A standard evalutation and rating technique must be implemented in order to decide which technique to further develop. We will then be recording impuse responses with traditional equipment and the soundfield microphone and test which technique or combination gives us the most accurate observable impulse response. After initail experiments we will conduct actual applications with a small musical group consisting of instruments with generally higher pitch frequency for localization purposes. We will make comparisons between actual sound field ambisonic recording and playback with individual dry recordings convolved with our developed impulse response technique. We will then rearrange virtual instrument configuration and test: How much we can infer about the room size and shape? How does the different virtual instrument configurations effect the blend of music and experience for the observer? How true is this configuration in the listening room compare to the actual reconfiguration of musicians. We can then infer that we have developed a good technique recording that puts the listener at the performance.