NMC 2014
New Music Controllers
CCRMA Summer Workshop 2013
August 25-August 28
Instructors: Sasha Leitman sleitman@ccrma.stanford.edu and Michael Gurevich mdgurev@umich.edu
This course was originated in 1996 to offer a hands-on approach to interaction design for musical applications. It was originally helmed by Max Mathews and Bill Verplank, and early on was jointly taught over teleconference with instructors at San Jose State and Princeton. In 2002, CCRMA began offering an intensive workshop version of this course during the summer. Other past instructors include Matt Wright, Michael Gurevich, and Wendy Ju.
This workshop integrates programming, electronics, interaction design, audio, and interactive music. Focus will be on hands-on applications using sensors and microprocessors in conjunction with real-time DSP to make music. Specific technologies will include Satellite CCRMA, Beagle Board, Arduino Nano, Pd for music synthesis, and sensors including force-sensitive resistors, bend sensors, accelerometers, IR range finders, etc. Participants will design and build working prototypes using a kit that can be taken home at the end of the workshop. Further issues to be explored will include modes and mappings in computer music, exercises in invention, and applications of sensors and electronics to real-time music. The course will be augmented by a survey of existing controllers and pieces of interactive music.
Monday Morning
Class Overview: Why we’re here and schedule overview
Opening Sketching exercise - Take 15 minutes and draw the following:
1. Your favorite musical instrument
2. Something you think you could make this week
3. Something you could create if money, time, knowledge and physics were not considerations
Context / history / examples Signal flow and toolchain
Electronics overview
Monday Afternoon
Background and Intro To Arduino
Arduino Hands on Lecture Download Arduino IDE here: http://arduino.cc/en/Main/Software
Download some examples here: http://ccrma.stanford.edu/~sleitman/Arduino_examples.zip
Percolate Max Files: http://www.music.columbia.edu/percolate/
Goal: send data, receive data
Challenge: Make an interesting instrument with one button
References: Make: Electronics (Learning by Discovery) by Charles Platt: http://amzn.com/0596153740
Multi-tasking and Arduino : why and how? by Loe Feijs: http://ccrma.stanford.edu/~gurevich/Feijs_ArduinoMultitasking.pdf
Tuesday Morning
One-button show and tell
Gestures - discrete vs. continuous
Bill Verplank's Interaction Design Sketchbook http://ccrma.stanford.edu/courses/250a/lectures/IDSketchbok.pdf
Continuous sensing in Arduino -- A/D and sending Serial
Scaling data in Max and/or in arduino
Go through sensors:
Hall Effect
Tuesday Afternoon
Solder your accelerometer and proximity
Sensors: Proximity Accelerometer
Max instrument: http://ccrma.stanford.edu/~gurevich/Max.zip
Goal: Create a musical interaction. using 1 continuous and 1 discrete sensor. Think about how the physical gestures that you are using and the type of sensor (continuous or discrete) interact with the sounds you are controlling.
Homework: Come up with 2 ideas for your performance. Sketch them out. Include details such as materials, sounds, sensors, gestures.
Wednesday Morning
Present your ideas
Serial data transitioning into MIDI
Making Connectors
Wednesday Afternoon
Electronics Resources: jameco.com digikey.com mouser.com sparkfun.com adafruit.com futurelec.com
Pair up and help each other narrow down your ideas for final projects.
Thursday Morning
Group check in about the state of your piece
Bonus topics on demand
Individual working with consultation
Thursday Afternoon
Individual working with consultation
Friday Morning
Set up and rehearse performance
Friday Afternoon
Final projects Wrap up Clean up