For any question/comment, please contact Romain Michon (rmichon_at_ccrma_dot_stanford_dot_edu).
Day 1
Simple Gain Controller
import("filter.lib"); process = *(hslider("gain",0.5,0,1,0.01)) : smooth(0.999);
Simple Sine Oscillator Synthesizer
import("music.lib"); import("filter.lib"); g = hslider("myParameter",0,0,1,0.01); freq = hslider("frequency",440,50,1000,0.1); myOsc(frequency,gain) = osc(frequency)*(smoothGain) with{ // the smooth(0.999) function interpolates the different values of gain so that it doesn't click smoothGain = gain : smooth(0.999); }; process = myOsc(freq,g) ;
Working with Signals
process = _ <: _,_,_,_ :> _;
is the same as:
process = _ <: _+_+_+_;
Simple Panner
import("filter.lib"); // the metadata "[style:knob]" turns the horizontal slider into a knob pan = hslider("pan [style:knob]",0.5,0,1,0.01) : smooth(0.999); process = _ <: *(pan),*(1-pan);
Additive Synthesizer
import("music.lib"); import("effect.lib"); gain = hslider("gain",0,0,1,0.01) : smooth(0.999); freq = hslider("freq",440,50,1000,0.1) : smooth(0.999); // the smooth function can be used as a simple envelope generator for gate gate = button("gate") : smooth(0.999); process = osc(freq),osc(freq*2),osc(freq*3) :> *(gain)*gate <: _,_;
The last line of the code can be replaced by:
process = par(i,3,osc(freq*(i+1))) :> *(gain)*gate <: _,_;
process = sum(i,3,osc(freq*(i+1))) : *(gain)*gate <: _,_;
Wave Shape Synthesis
saw1(freq) // Sawtooth wave lf_imptrain(freq) // Impulse train lf_squarewave(freq) // Square wave
Day 2
Tremolo and Ring Modulation
import("filter.lib"); freq = hslider("freq",2,1,500,0.01); gain = hslider("gain",1,0,1,0.01) : smooth(0.999); depth = hslider("depth",0,0,1,0.01) : smooth(0.999); ringMod = *(1-(depth*osc(freq)/2 + 0.5)); process = ringMod*gain <: _,_;
Stereo Ring Modulator
import("filter.lib"); freq = hslider("freq",2,1,500,0.01); gain = hslider("gain",1,0,1,0.01) : smooth(0.999); depth = hslider("depth",0,0,1,0.01) : smooth(0.999); pan = 1-(depth*osc(freq)/2 + 0.5); stereoRingMod = _ <: *(pan),*(1-pan); process = stereoRingMod : *(gain), *(gain);
One sample delay:
N samples delay:
Fractional delay:
fdelay1(MaxDelayLength, delayLength)
The Simplest Lowpass/Highpass Filter
import("filter.lib"); import("music.lib"); b1 = hslider("feedforward",0,-1,1,0.01) : smooth(0.999); filter = _ <: _+(_' : *(b1)) : *(0.5); process = noise : filter;
Feedforward Comb Filter
import("filter.lib"); import("music.lib"); b = hslider("feedforward",0,-1,1,0.01) : smooth(0.999); del = hslider("del",1,1,100,1); filter = _ <: _+(_@del : *(b)) : *(0.5); process = noise : filter;
Workshop Version
import("music.lib"); import("filter.lib"); flangeDelay = hslider("flangeDelay",0.05,0.001,1,0.001)*SR*0.001; depth = hslider("depth",0.5,-1,1,0.01) : smooth(0.999); speed = hslider("speed",0.5,0.1,20,0.01); gain = hslider("gain",0.8,0,1,0.01) : smooth(0.999); myFlanger = _ <: _,fdelay1(1024,delayLength)*depth : + : *(0.5) with{ delayLength = flangeDelay*(1 + osc(speed))/2; }; process = myFlanger*gain;
Day 3
import("music.lib"); import("filter.lib"); delayDuration = hslider("duration",1,0.01,1,0.01); // in seconds feedback = hslider("feedback",0,0,0.99,0.01) : smooth(0.999); delayLength = SR*delayDuration; process = (+ : fdelay(SR,delayLength)) ~ *(feedback);
Feedback Comb Filter
import("music.lib"); import("filter.lib"); delayLength = hslider("delayLength",1,0,1000,1); // in samples feedback = hslider("feedback",0,0,0.99,0.01) : smooth(0.999); process = (+ : fdelay(1024,delayLength)) ~ *(-feedback);
Karplus Strong
A simple string physical model. An average filter is used to attenuate high frequencies faster than low frequencies.
import("filter.lib"); import("music.lib"); freq = hslider("freq",440,50,1000,0.1); feedback = hslider("feedback",0,0,0.999,0.001); string = + ~ (fdelay(1024,delayLength) : *(feedback) : filter) with{ delayLength = SR/freq; filter = _ <: (_+_')/2; }; impulse = button("gate") <: _,_' : - : >(0); process = impulse : string;
Resonant Bandpass Filter
import("filter.lib"); ctFreq = hslider("ctFreq",400,50,2000,0.01) : smooth(0.999); BW = hslider("Bandwidth",100,1,1000,1) : smooth(0.999); Q = ctFreq/BW; process = noise : resonbp(ctFreq,Q,1);
Parametric Equalizer
Workshop Version
import("filter.lib"); import("effect.lib"); bandsNumber = 10; highestBand = 15000; oneBand(cnt) = vgroup("Band %cnt",peak_eq(Lfx,fx,B)) with{ Lfx = vslider("Level",0,-60,10,0.1); fx = nentry("Freq",highestBand*(cnt+1)/bandsNumber,40,highestBand,0.1); B = hslider("Bdwth [style: knob]",100,1,5000,0.1); }; bp = checkbox("Bypass"); process = hgroup("Parametric Equalizer",bypass1(bp,seq(i,bandsNumber,oneBand(i))));
filter.lib Version
import("filter.lib"); process = _ : parametric_eq_demo: _;