Physical Interaction Design at CCRMA
CCRMA has recently seen growing interest in what we call "Physical Interaction Design" (PID) for Music. Related to Human-Computer Interaction (HCI) and Physical Computing, PID is about the relationship between users, the devices they use, the tasks they accomplish, and possibly people who receive this output. Rather than focusing solely on devices and their inherent qualities, we acknowledge that Physical Interaction Design is about the mutual influences between people and technologies. We mix design, sensors, embedded technologies and real-time sound synthesis to create new ways of interacting with sound.
Currently, we teach one course (for Stanford students only): Music 250A -- Physical Interaction Design for Music.
We also have a CCRMA Summer Workshop, also called Physical Interaction Design for Music. The summer workshops are open to anyone.
The central hub for PID work at CCRMA is the MaxLab, a multi-purpose research lab / office / workshop for developing PID projects.
- Max Mathews
- Bill Verplank
- Michael Gurevich
- Sasha Leitman