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Music Department TA Training

From CCRMA Wiki

Program of the Workshop

April 16, 2016 (Braun 102)

  • 09:00am - 09:30am: Breakfast
  • 09:30am - 10:30am: Workshop Overview and Teaching info/resources in Braun and CCRMA: undergraduate course requirements for music majors, keys for the TA office and copy room, piano locations, printers/copy machines/scanners, audiovisual cables and remotes, and the possibility of proposing and teaching your own course.
  • 10:30am - 12:15pm: Teaching workshop in Braun (2 students)
  • 12:15pm - 01:30pm: Lunch break
  • 01:30pm - 03:15pm: Teaching workshop in Braun (2 students)
  • 03:30pm - 04:45pm: Round table with recent graduates and faculty 1: instructor expectations and tips
  • 04:45pm - 05:30pm: Round table with recent graduates and faculty 2: overview of the academic job market
  • 06:00pm: BBQ at CCRMA + Party

April 17 (CCRMA Classroom)

  • 09:00am - 09:30am: Breakfast
  • 09:30am - 10:30pm: Teaching info/resources at Stanford: the Honor Code, how to handle Honor Code violations, how to use Axess and Coursework, the registrar’s add/drop deadlines, the university’s sexual harassment policy, and advising/tutoring resources such as Office of Accessible Education, the Hume Writing Center, and the Center for Teaching and Learning.
  • 10:30pm - 12:15pm: Teaching workshop at CCRMA (2 students)
  • 10:30pm - 12:15pm: Q&A session - end of the workshop

Teaching Info/Resources in Braun and CCRMA



  • TAing Tips for CCRMA Courses
  • Cables/Gears
  • Audio/Video Equipment

Round Table 1: Instructor Expectations and Tips

Available after the workshop.

Round Table 2: Overview of the Academic Job Market

Available after the workshop.

Teaching Info/Resources at Stanford

General Resources

Required Trainings

The Stanford Honor Code

International Teaching Assistants

Teaching Workshop Guidelines

General Information

During the teaching workshops participants will teach a twenty to thirty minutes lecture or workshop that simulates a class that they will likely teach next year. We’ll solicit feedback from the audience and discuss what worked well and what could be improved. The goal of this feedback is not so much to evaluate your performance but to explore how the attendees experienced your class from the student perspective. Attendees who will teach a CCRMA class will do it during the Sunday afternoon session and attendees who will teach a music class will do it on Saturday.

We’ll ask you to complete the following tasks during your lecture/workshop: set up lighting, chairs, and tables distribute a paper handout (we’ll provide a copy code) write on the blackboard play an audio example over the loudspeakers show a visual on the projector from a laptop Depending on your TA assignments, not all of these tasks will come up when you actually teach; we just want to make sure you feel comfortable doing them if necessary.

Teaching Context (with sample answers)

The participants of the TA training course will be requested to answer to the following questions before the course in order to better prepare the teaching workshops:

Name of teacher: Romain Michon

What is the number and title for the course you’re simulating? Music 42 (Music History after 1830)

Describe the typical education level and musical background of the students in this course. Mostly sophomores and juniors; mostly music majors who have already taken the ear training and theory sequences.

How long is a typical class meeting in this course? Fifty minutes for the TA’s lectures

What is the topic for the class meeting that you’re simulating? Opera and musical theatre in the early 20th century

When does this class meeting usually occur during the quarter? Final third of the quarter (week 8 or 9)

What is the subtopic for the particular twenty minutes you’ve chosen? Alban Berg, Wozzeck Act I scene 2

When would these twenty minutes occur within the class meeting as a whole? The final twenty minutes of class

Feedback Guidelines

Teaching Workshop Videos

Available after the workshop.