Stimmung: Interactive sculptural installation in 3D
Stimmung: Interactive Sculptural Installation in 3D
Voices of Silicon Valley is a small choir dedicated to perform contemporary music in the bay area. They will be performing a piece by Karlheinz Stockhausen called Stimmung in which Megan Jurek and I are involved as handling the technical aspects of the performance. The piece itself requires 6 singers arranged in a circle in the center of a hall who sing into their microphones; these signals are then routed to an outer ring of speakers in such a way to allow the listeners to feel themselves to be in between the singers. At the time of composition very few tools were available to spatialize this signals in the outer ring; however, now a days we count with much more technological possibilities and a lot of processing power to take this experience to a new level and do some interesting processes with it. \\
The piece itself will be presented twice: once in the St. Elizabeth Catholic Church in San Francisco and once in the Tateuchi Hall in Mountain Vew. In both cases a live mix will be done to correctly spatialize the sources to the circular speaker arrangement while also recording the sound sources to do a recording of the concert. This sources will be later mixed in third order ambisonics so that the concert can be accurately captured now including its spatial dimension.