"Spring" is a composition utilizing sounds from the natural world. I have been gathering sounds from Stanford Campus and Erastradero Nature Preserve nearby and am using Ableton 9 to spatialize this piece. The hope is to create a sense of movement for the listener as they "travel" through the environment hearing different sound sources. Additionally, an element of change comes from the evolution of sound sources throughout the piece, from bugs and birds to skateboards and cars beginning to overtake these original, natural sources.
Currently, I am working in a panning system through an 8-Channel output, utilizing Ableton's send/return system. Movement goes from speaker to speaker and places each sound source around the listener in their space. I have a small number of usable sounds and have been trying out different methods on each: additions of output to make it into two separate sound sources, panning movement from one speaker to another, panning movement across multiple speakers, adding distance from listener.