Plans for 220a in Fall, 2021
Need new picture for course site
- Nick's idea: whales & computer musicians
Organizer for guest lecturers: Drew Allen, Hongchan Choi [artsCatalyst $$ for honoraria]
- ??
Whale trip organizers (7-Oct) [artsCatalyst $$ to underwrite]
- Nick, Nette
Apply for artsCatalyst grant to fund above, Due 9/21
- ??
Organizer for student hydrophone building lab before whale trip w/ Victoria Shen in MaxLab
- ??
Organizer for student microphone building lab after whale trip w/ Victoria Shen in MaxLab
- ??
Organizer for student music presentations (establish signup wiki and introduce presenting student before each class)
- ??
Organizer for CCRMA accounts, class roster, email list ??
Create homework factory from roster Chris
Provide homework feedback (after assignments are due, and keep a record for end of quarter evals) TA's
Regular TA office hours in-person and / or online, including initial tutorials TA's
Field recording lab (move Radio Play assignment so this happens first) Nick
Research alternative controller for Homework 5 Clara, Engin
Organizer for initial tutorials Edit canvas site with .pdf of syllabus, dates, zoom link, course site link Chris