28-Oct Non-linear dynamical systems: algorithmic composition and physical modeling
- audio feedback, room in a room in a room...
I am Sitting in a Room, Alvin Lucier (1969)
I am Sitting in a Silo, thanks to 220a
- Lecture on instruments as non-linear dynamical systems, aka linear resonators coupled to non-linear excitation mechanisms (bows, reeds, etc.)
- musical feedback, singers with the sounds of singers with the sounds of singers...
Tuning Meditation, Pauline Oliveros (1971)
different performance, binaural recording
[xxx code from final project inspired by Tuning Meditation, Chris Vega] copy paste and then run in webchuck
[xxx .wav file from 2007]
7-Oct Modulation & Delay
- FM & web audio
(from codelab
tremolo / vibrato / filter / ADSR / FM
DX7 FM synth, web audio emulation
- FM & Chuck (hw2)
paste code from hw2 starter code
into webchuck and run it
- Ambisonics, source position and reverb
download 4 .wav files produced by my modified hw2 starter codes, which I stashed here
start the 220a ambisonic-recorder and load those 4 files
experiment with source position, reverberation and wall materials
- Wave physics simulator
go to rippletank Example: Internal Reflection, and experiment with waves and reflection off a wall in 2D
wavebox visualizes 3D waves (no reflections)
interactive filters with sound
interactive stretched string with sound
28-Sep Sonification
(written in chuck and exported to .wav file)
jamming with tidal sonification
(written in web audio and played live in browser)
environmental and brain wave examples