Homework #5: "Radio Play"
The assignment is to create a short radio play with a recorded text, stereo audio effects and sound effects. Shoot for a duration of around 120 secs (plus or minus 30). This is a demo to introduce several techniques which will be described below. Though it won't be strictly-speaking a binaural recording, it is intended for headphones. Techniques include localization with interaural intensity difference (IID), interaural time difference (ITD), Schroeder-style reverb, and phasevocoder processing for time warping and pitch transposition.
Tools at your disposal
- your homebrew microphone
- something to record into (e.g., laptop/desktop)
- Pd patch ~cc/220a/pd/pwrAndDelPan.pd
- Pd patch ~cc/220a/pd/phaselockedvoc.pd
- optional: ChucK (for creating sound effects)
- optional: TAPESTREA (for creating sound effects)
- Freeverb & other Schroeder-style reverberator plugins available in Audacity, Ardour, ChucK
- Audacity/Ardour (for intermediate + final recording/assembly)
What to do:
Pd lab4/hw5 instructions are here:
As usual, turn in all files by putting them in your Library/Web/220a/ directory.
- 1) hw5.wav should go into the 220a directory
- 2) a short README text (readme.txt) file that:
- describes your process/adventure, and perhaps the ideas (technical/aesthetic) behind the composition
- gives credit, if needed, for the sounds you are using
- describe any difficulties you encountered in the process
- 3) if you used ChucK, your .ck files