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Algorithmic Composition Bibliography

Balaban, Mira., Ebcioğlu, Kemal, and Laske, Otto Understanding music with AI: perspectives on music cognition Menlo Park [Calif.]: AAAI Press; Cambridge, Mass.:MIT Press, c1992. < Stanford University Libraries (SUL) SUL Music ML74.3 .U55 1992 >

Bresin, Roberto Virtual virtuosity: studies in automatic music performance Stockholm, Sweden: KTH, Speech Music and Hearing, 2000. < SUL Music MT723 .B74 2000 >

Cope, David 1. Computer models of musical creativity Cambridge, Mass.: MIT Press, c2005. < SUL Music MT41 .C67 2005 >

2. Virtual music: computer synthesis of musical style Cambridge, Mass.: MIT Press, c2001. < SUL Music MT56 .C69 2001 >

Desain, Peter and Honing Henkjan Music, mind and machine studies in computer music, music cognition and artificial intelligence Amsterdam: Thesis Publishers, 1992. < SUL Music ML1093 .D441 1992 >

Griffith, Niall and Todd, Peter M. Musical networks: parallel distributed perception and performance Cambridge, Mass.: MIT Press, c1999. < SUL Music ML3838 .M955 1999 >

Loy, D. Gareth Musimathics: the mathematical foundations of music London: MIT Press, c2006-2007. < SUL Music ML3805 .L78 2006 V.1 > < SUL Music ML3805 .L78 2006 V.2 >

Rowe, Robert Interactive music systems: machine listening and composing Cambridge, Mass.: MIT Press, c1993. < SUL Music MT723 .R879 1993 >

Taube, Heinrich 1. Common music: a music composition language in Common Lisp and CLOS Stanford, Calif.: CCRMA, Dept. of Music, Stanford University, 1990. < SUL Music ML63 .S785 NO.63 >

2. Notes from the metalevel: introduction to algorithmic music composition Introduction to algorithmic music composition London; New York: Taylor & Francis Group, c2004. < SUL Music MT56 .T38 2004 >

Temperley, David Music and probability Cambridge, Mass.: MIT Press, c2007. < SUL Music ML3838 .T46 2007 >

Toiviainen, Petri Modelling musical cognition with artificial neural networks Jyväskylä: University of Jyväskylä, 1996. < SUL Music ML3838 .T65 1996 >

Travis Pope, Stephen The Well-tempered object: musical applications of object-oriented software technology Cambridge, Mass.: MIT Press, c1991. < SUL Music ML1093 .W447 1991 >

Winkler, Todd Composing interactive music: techniques and ideas using Max Cambridge, Mass.: MIT Press, c1998. < SUL Music MT56 .W5 1998 >


Mauricio Rodriguez 2008