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Chucku, haiku in ChucK

like a haiku, a chucku should contain exactly 3 lines of code (each less than 80 characters)
each chucku should generate sound
5/7/5 pattern optional, but try to make the code "pretty"
check out one line chuck crazy to see similarly compact examples
the chucku's should be standalone (i.e., no external audio or chuck files)

SqrOsc a => JCRev b => Chorus c => dac => Delay d => a; .17 => b.mix;
while (1) { Std.rand2( 160, 7100 ) => a.freq => float e;
2 => a.sync; e * .000062 => c.modFreq; e * .4::samp => d.delay => now;}

SawOsc a [100];
while (1) {for( int i; i < 100; i++ ) {Std.rand2f( 90, 1600 ) => a[i].freq;
a[i] => dac; .3 => a[i].gain; Std.rand2f( .04, .1 )::second => now;}}